December 20, 2019
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the explosive NY Times article showing that John Brennan is under active investigation for his role in the spying scandal and I articulate exactly what he did. I also cover a viral article about the impeachment of Donald Trump which asks the question “was Trump even impeached?” |
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Trump Had a Historic Week While Dems Were Distracted by Impeachment
The House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump this week – sort of. Impeachment itself is a process, not a vote, so if the articles of impeachment are never submitted to the Senate, Trump will have not been impeached. Regardless, despite the delays incurred so far, they are likely to make their way to the Senate in January.
New CNN Poll Finds Americans LOVE Trump’s Economy
A new CNN poll has found that 76 percent of Americans believe the economy is either “very or somewhat good”–the highest amount since 2001, when 80 percent felt the same way, the Daily Caller reports.
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