Despite the Biden administration claiming control over the southern border, it is not secure but widely out of hand. More than 6,000 migrants cross the border illegally every single day. More than two million have come into the country illegally so far in 2022. A record high.

The recent surge in migrants coincides with lax enforcement and reckless policy changes by the Biden administration. Illegal immigration has consequences for wages, social safety nets, and public safety. We must do more to better control who enters the country, reduce future illegal immigration, and prioritize modernizing and updating our legal immigration system.

Now, after embracing their status as sanctuary cities over and over again, liberal elites are complaining about the influx of illegal migrants being transported to their cities. Perhaps now that this crisis is in their own backyards, they will start treating it seriously.




Why Are Schools Asking Children About Their Sexual Histories?

As school surveys asking children intrusive questions about their sexual behaviors, political beliefs, mental health, and family lives become increasingly common, so too has pushback from parents. Given we know that suicidality, like gender confusion, can be a social contagion, introducing the idea of suicide to students through surveys seems counterproductive, to say the least. It ought to never occur to a child to make a plan to commit suicide, and, fortunately, it doesn’t occur to most children. So why plant the idea? Read more.
Media Spotlight

Dr. Phil: Inclusivity or Indoctrination? Watch Here.

Conviction Vacated: A New Trial for Adnan Syed Watch Here.

The Assault on Biological Sex Watch Here.


Youngkin Stands up for Parents Against Power-Hungry Gender Ideologues

Nothing pleases power-hungry bureaucrats more than the power to confuse and isolate. That’s why public school districts across the country actively hide information about children’s “gender identities” from parents and socially transition them without parental consent. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin recently rolled back a rule implemented by his Democratic predecessor that allowed schools districts to get away with secret social transitions. Youngkin's new policy directs schools only to recognize a student’s discordant “gender identity” if a parent has requested it in writing. Learn more.


ESG: What It Is and Why It Matters

Julie Gunlock, director of Independent Women’s Network, sat down with Mandy Gunasekara, IWF senior policy analyst, climate and energy strategist, and environmental attorney, to discuss ESG and the serious consequences that come with it. Learn more about the financial harm to millions of retirees and pensioners who are seeing lower returns as wokesters gamble their life savings on virtue signaling propaganda.



Banned Books Week

In a recent interview, First Lady Jill Biden claimed that, “All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.” Her response echoed the message of Banned Books Week, an annual event sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) that promotes controversial books. 

Can you guess which of the following is not true about Banned Books Week?

A. Books featured in libraries and bookstores during Banned Books Week have not been banned.
B. Libraries have an obligation to make ALL books available to children.
C. Parents have a right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children, and to express concerns about exposure to sexually explicit books.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Yali Nuñez, IWF visiting fellow and former executive director of communications for the City of Hialeah, joins the podcast to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Listen here.
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  • Next Episode: Coming up on Friday, Dr. Chloe Carmichael, who specializes in clinical psychology and is the author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety, joins the program to discuss how free speech benefits your mental health. Tune in here.


Doubling the Size of the IRS Will Have Serious Criminal Justice Implications

The Internal Revenue Service has a long, troubling history of violating taxpayers’ rights during its investigations and abusing its authority. Still, as part of the Democrats’ tax and climate bill, the agency will be doubled in size, receiving $80 billion in additional funding — enough to hire 87,000 new agents and auditors.


Parents Can Leave the Failing Public School System

With states like Arizona now offering universal education savings accounts (ESAs) that allow parents to direct their child’s education funding, more parents than ever before are empowered to leave the failing public school system. The NAEP test scores paint a heartbreaking picture of the harm the system has inflicted on millions of children. 

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