

Yesterday, we received this message from an “opponent” telling us to drop out of this race. 

Here’s our message back: that’s not going to happen.

If other campaigns are telling us to quit, that means we’re doing something right. Help me show them we are in this for the long haul — chip in $20 now.

We are the movement putting power back into the hands of the people. Those who benefit from our current system — a system that would rather see people die than hurt a private corporation's bottom line — don't want to see that happen. And these kinds of intimidation tactics are part and parcel of our broken system.

But I won't be intimidated. I won't back down from this fight. Too much is on the line.

We have a end-of-year deadline that's crucial to our campaign. Help us show them how strong our people-powered movement is by contributing to our campaign now. 

In Solidarity,

- Eva Putzova

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Paid for by Eva Putzova for Congress

Eva Putzova for Congress
PO Box 677
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
United States
