
First, an independent public poll of this election showed John leading our GOP opponent, Cory Gardner, in this critical Senate race.

Then, every major political forecaster labeled this race a toss-up, with Roll Call ranking Gardner as the "most vulnerable Republican Senator in 2020.”

Now, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are furiously raising millions to spend on negative ads to tear down our campaign even before 2020 begins!

So, we need a lot of grassroots Democrats to stand with the campaign we’re building in Colorado to flip this Senate seat. With our FEC fundraising deadline in just two weeks, can we count on you to step up?

Folks, please send an urgent contribution of $10 or more to John Hickenlooper’s Senate campaign to ensure we stay on pace to hit our FEC fundraising goal of $500,000 before the deadline >>

John doesn’t have an army of right-wing billionaires propping him up in this election like our opponent does. Instead, we’re relying on folks like you to stand with him and fund our campaign with grassroots contributions.

That’s the right way to win this race, and it’s why your donation today matters so much to our team. Thanks in advance!

— Team Hick