FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:?Sept. 21, 2022 Contact:?Bob Nack DNR Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Team Supervisor [email protected] or 608-617-3492
Where Can We Hunt? DNR To Host Next Hunting Webinar Tonight, Sept. 21
 Wanna Go Hunting: Where Can We Hunt? Webinar scheduled for Sept. 21. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis.?? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host the third of several educational hunting webinars on Wednesday, Sept. 21?for members of the public that are new to hunting or hunting curious.
The webinar series is in partnership with the National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever and Becoming an Outdoorswoman. The series is designed for those interested in learning about hunting, fishing and trapping.
Each episode will feature guest speakers sharing their experiences getting started with hunting and include discussions addressing common challenges faced by those new to hunting, fishing or trapping.
This month?s webinar is titled?? Wanna Go Hunting: Where Can We Hunt? ? ?and will share information about finding lands open to public hunting and tips on getting access to private land.
?Research shows that securing access to hunting land is one of the biggest challenges for all hunters, new and experienced,? said Bob Nack, DNR Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Team Supervisor. ?In this webinar, we will hear from new hunters about their experience with finding a place to hunt and discuss tips for others.??
Following a brief presentation and panel discussion, the audience will have opportunities to ask questions that panelists will answer at the end of the program. Each webinar will be recorded and available online.
Wisconsin is home to over 7 million acres of public land, and a majority of it is open to hunting. Time spent hunting and exploring these areas with family and friends will generate memories for years.
Learn more about various hunting season dates, rules and regulations, harvest quotas and more on the DNR website.
What:?Wanna Go Hunting: Where Can We Hunt? Webinar
When:?7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21
Who:?Alaina Gerrits, DNR Wildlife Biologist
Brock Rosenkranz, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Where:?Tune in via YouTube here.?The webinar will be recorded and can be viewed on YouTube any time using the same link.