
You know why I left the Conservative Party last year.

It’s because it had become a corrupt, centrist party, headed by a leader with no clear convictions.

Now that Scheer is gone, who are the big names that are being talked about to replace him?

Former “Progressive-Conservative” leaders Peter MacKay and, yes, Jean Charest!

The man who promised to make the provincial government leaner as Quebec premier, but ended up increasing its size during his two mandates.

And of course, who loved to distribute billions in subsidies to his corporate friends.

The man who, as Mulroney’s Environment minister, headed Canada’s delegation at the 1992 Rio Summit that gave impetus to the climate alarmist nonsense.

The man Trudeau named recently as a special envoy to help Canada get a seat on the United Nations Security Council.

In short, the very embodiment of a globalist, centrist Red Tory who loves big government!

John, the Red Tory establishment is back. And more than ever, Canada needs a principled conservative alternative.

Help me and our PPC team get ready to offer this alternative with a $5 donation today.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

PS: I thank you if you recently donated. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.

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