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Dear John,
A popular Israeli Hanukkah song states:
We have come to abolish darkness
In our hands are light and fire
Each one alone is a small flame
But together we are a mighty beacon
At Hanukkah, Jews celebrate many things. We are of course grateful not just for the miracle of the oil that burned brightly for many nights. We also remember the courage of the Maccabees and their followers, who stood up together for their beliefs despite the odds.
The theme of darkness and light at the center of the of the Hanukkah narrative is not unique to Judaism; indeed, it is almost universal. Many traditions use that imagery, especially at this time of year, which coincides (at least for us in the Northern Hemisphere) with the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Light has different meanings for different people: the presence of something greater than ourselves, truth, liberation, security, hope, love...
This Hanukkah, it is the darkness of hatred that is our concern. Jews, Muslims, Christians, immigrants, LGBTQ people, Sikhs, women — all are targets on social media and, far too often, of violent extremists as well. Incidents of hate speech and hate crimes are on the rise. The social restraints that used to apply to our online conversations are crumbling and we live in an increasingly toxic environment.
But together we are a mighty beacon
At ADL we work to bring light to the darkness and to amplify our voice by joining together with others who share our vision. Each of us, as we stand up against hate, is one small light that, combined with others, can become a beacon.
Happy holidays from ADL,
Rabbi David Fox Sandmel, Ph.D.
Director of Interreligious Engagement
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