Our most important public fundraising deadline yet is at 11:59 pm tonight, and according to the latest update from my fundraising team, we’re still trailing our goal by about $12,000.

Our most important public fundraising deadline yet is at 11:59 pm tonight, and according to the latest update from my fundraising team, we’re still trailing our goal by about $12,000.

I’ll explain more in a moment, but every minute counts right now, so I’m going to ask right up front: Will you chip in $10, $25, $50, or whatever makes sense for you to help us make up the difference?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I had the closest statewide race in Minnesota in 2018, and we have an even tougher fight ahead of us this year against an anti-choice hedge-fund lawyer with zero courtroom experience. 

New public polling released this morning has me down four points, and POLITICO is calling me "Minnesota’s Most Vulnerable Progressive."

John, abortion rights in Minnesota are on the ballot this November. When our fundraising numbers are made public after tonight’s deadline, they need to make clear that this people-powered movement has never been more ready to defend reproductive freedom.

With less than 50 days to go, this is a make-or-break moment. If we come up short tonight, it’ll be nearly impossible for us to regain our momentum by Election Day.

Please make a donation that works for you by 11:59 pm to help us finish strong, reach this goal, and send the clear message that we will not allow the GOP to drag us backward this November.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Keith Ellison



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States