Happy Holidays from the IIIC!
In the Giving Spirit
Photo: Our attorney Jackie worked with an immigrant who surprised her with these gifts of appreciation after she was approved for her green card. It is so important to hold onto these moments of joy.
Dear friend,

As we wrap up 2019 and prepare for the holidays, we are very grateful for your support and friendship. Thank you! There have been many challenges in the past year for immigrant and refugee families. With great courage and dignity, they have faced an onslaught of cruel and unjust policies and assaults on their humanity.

The IIIC team is fully committed to a better future for all, and we will not let these forces prevail. We are inspired by the courage of the families we serve, by the collegiality of our co-workers and partner organizations, and by your trust in us. Thank you!

We wish you a very restful and peaceful holiday season, and much goodness in 2020.

In solidarity,

Ronnie Millar
IIIC Executive Director

ESOL Class Learns about Boston Public Library’s Offerings
Photo: Our Level 1 ESOL class learns about online language-learning resources at the Boston Public Library's computer lab.
This Fall our Level 1 English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) class got out of the classroom and took a field trip to the Boston Public Library. Read what our ESOL teacher, Laurianne, shared with us about their experience. 
IIIC Creates a Pathway to a New Beginning
Earlier this year, Jackie, one of our attorneys, represented an Ethiopian immigrant, Ella (name changed), who had temporary immigration status based on her American husband. Ella came to one of the Center’s legal clinics in early 2018 seeking guidance. Ella's husband was abusive, threatening to withdraw his support for her immigration status, she was desperate to end her marriage but didn't know what to do, as her status was tied to her husband. Additionally, Ella's husband was financially abusive, he forced her to drop out of her college program and work long hours in a factory, limiting her access to the money she earned and isolating her from her friends. Through our clinics, Ella learned that she did not need to stay in this destructive situation. Our attorney, Jackie, helped her obtain a permanent green card independently of her husband, which was granted in November 2019, while she received a restraining order and safely ended her marriage. She is now continuing her degree with plans of starting her own jewelry business.
IIIC Hosts J-1 Alumni in Dublin
Photo: Ann Derwin, Geoffrey Keating, and Sarah Owen (right to left) enjoying the alumni event.
At the IIIC, we maintain a strong J-1 Alumni Network to support connections between our past participants of our sponsored J-1 visa. Last month we hosted a networking event at Boston College Ireland where past participants and perspective Exchange Visitors came together to talk about their unique experiences as well as network with each other. The past participants shared with perspective Exchange Visitors tips for internship searching as well as what to expect from being in the U.S. for a year. Read more about the event here.
Holiday Irish Chat Night at the Irish Consulate a big success!
Photo: Members of our Irish class and staff enjoy a lively night of conversation at the Holiday Irish Chat Night, hosted by the Irish Consulate.
The Consulate General of Ireland-Boston kindly hosted a holiday themed Irish chat night on Dec 6. There was a great turn out, with many familiar faces, as well as many new ones. It was so much fun, and the space was beautifully decorated for Christmas. Nollaig Shona daoibh go léir! Read more about the event and who we'd like to thank.
JOIN US: Irish Language Classes this Winter
We will be hosting our Winter Irish class here at One State Street from January 16, 2020 - March 5, 2020. Please email Siobhan Kelly at [email protected] to sign up or learn more. Read more about our classes this fall. 
So grateful for all of our amazing interns and volunteers!
Photo: a few of our amazing fall semester interns from a variety of local colleges. They very kindly agreed to pose for an impromptu photo in our office this week. Thank you all!
We'd like to take this opportunity as 2019 is coming to a close, to say a great big thank you to all our volunteers and interns for everything that you do here at the IIIC! We appreciate the gift of your time and effort. We would not be able to do the work we do, or assist the number of immigrant and refugee families that we do without your help. We are blessed to have over 100 volunteers and interns as part of our team.
Sister Lena Deevy LSA Reflects on 30 Years 
IIIC Founding Executive Director
We invited Sister Lena to share her reflections on our 30th anniversary. She writes, "The IIIC is as relevant and hardworking as ever and continues to tackle its challenging work with eager devotion. The sense of purpose formulated by the founding members has been critical to the IIIC’s lasting relevance. From the start we developed a mission flexible enough to last and to adjust to changing needs." Learn about the IIIC's history by reading the rest of the letter. 
Please Support our Work: The IIIC’s End of Year Campaign
The IIIC’s annual campaign is underway, and thanks to a generous gift from Mr. Arnold Hiatt and the AM Fund, every dollar donated up to $25,000 will be matched! Donate here to help create a better future for immigrant and refugee families this holiday season. Gifts can also be sent to One State Street, 8th Floor, Boston, 02109, or by contacting Sari Foundas at 617-542-7654. 

Our amazing community of supporters make it possible for families from 126 countries to build safe, stable, bright futures in the United States. Thank you for taking action to welcome our immigrant neighbors!
The IIIC provides a comprehensive, multi-service approach to supporting families from more than 126 countries. The Center provides the immigration legal, wellness and educational support immigrants need to gain stability, security, and build pathways to success. In addition to our services, rooted in the Irish tradition of welcoming others and social justice, we help newcomers find community, and stand up for immigration policies that are humane and just. We are proud to continue the tradition of welcoming immigrants to this country and working together to create a better future for all. 

Please support our work at this important time.
The IIIC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible.
www.iiicenter.org | 617.542.7654
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1 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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