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2019: A Year of Results 

Governor Holcomb is all about results. And in 2019, Governor Holcomb delivered results in a big way for all Hoosiers. Here’s just a few of his 2019 accomplishments:

  • CNBC this year ranked Indiana’s infrastructure as the best in America. And that’s because of major investments – including $612 million in Community Crossings matching grants for local roads, and a record year for road construction as part of Governor Holcomb’s 20-year, fully-funded infrastructure plan.
  • We passed another honestly-balanced budget and maintained our AAA credit rating – leading the way for fiscal responsibility at the Statehouse.
  • Governor Holcomb signed into law a phase-out of income taxes on our veterans’ military pensions. This new law will work to attract and retain patriotic military veterans as part of our state’s workforce!
  • Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Crouch this year led the state’s largest investment in broadband infrastructure in Indiana history, with $100 million going toward connecting unserved Hoosiers with access to affordable, high-speech internet.
  • Indiana provided a historic increase in K-12 education funding in the state’s 2019-2020 biennial budget – with $763 million in additional funds this year…and $1.6 billion in increased funds since 2017! This includes a $150 million payoff of teacher pensions liability, which is putting more money in teacher paychecks.
  • Thousands more Hoosiers are getting skilled-up to fill high-wage jobs – whether that’s through programs like Next Level Jobs or The Last Mile.
  • Fewer Hoosiers are dying from the drug epidemic, and Indiana’s infant mortality rate is dropping. In fact, overdose deaths are down 12.9% across Indiana!
  • Indiana’s economy keeps on growing! Our unemployment rate remains below the nation’s and below all of our neighboring states, while we’ve seen wage growth of 4%!

Look below, and check out a really fun infographic highlighting so many of these great 2019 accomplishments for Hoosiers.
But, of course, you know Governor Holcomb. And you know that he’s just getting started. So as together we look ahead to 2020, you can be assured that next year will be another year for results and continued Putting People First.
-Kyle Hupfer
This week, Chairman Kyle Hupfer visited Plymouth to meet with county chairs and vice chairs in the 2nd congressional district. Our local party leaders are the backbone of our party’s continued growth and success. They’re the reason we won big in 2019, and they’re the reason why we’ll win big again in 2020!


Governor Eric Holcomb:
Putting People First in 2019

Governor Holcomb continued Putting People First in 2019! Check out this infographic to see how his bold Next Level Agenda is continuing to deliver results for Hoosiers:

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 

Indiana’s Agricultural Heritage 

Governor Holcomb helped the Indiana Farm Bureau celebrate its 100th anniversary at its convention, joining 1,500 Hoosiers from each of Indiana’s 92 counties in French Lick to help them celebrate Indiana’s agricultural achievements and innovations. Indiana is a leader when it comes to agriculture – not just in the United States, but around the world!

Governor Holcomb is dedicated to continuing to work with the Indiana Farm Bureau to accomplish their aligned goals. He’ll continue working to make sure that Indiana agricultural products get to market in the most efficient manner possible and will continue to invest in rural broadband, ensuring that our state’s farmers are able to access high-speed internet. He also announced that Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director Bruce Kettler will join his cabinet at the start of next year. This appointment will continue to drive Indiana’s agricultural innovation.
In Indiana, agriculture is a cornerstone of our state’s identity and story, and Governor Holcomb is dedicated to continuing to bring innovation to our state’s agricultural industry!

Congratulations, Rep.Holli Sullivan 

Congratulations Rep. Holli Sullivan on being selected Vice Chair of the Indiana Republican Party! We're glad you’re taking on this leadership role and helping the Indiana Republican Party continue to serve all Hoosiers!

Hoosiers Republicans Stand With President Trump

On Wednesday, instead of working to tackle real issues facing the American people, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives continued their partisan sham and voted to impeach President Trump. Here’s what some of Indiana’s top Republicans are saying about this move against the American people: 

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
“This is a sad day for our country. House Democrats have wanted to impeach President Trump since day one, regardless of the facts. They set up a rigged process with a predetermined outcome, and even though they failed to uncover a single piece of evidence to justify impeachment, today they got the result they wanted. This is pure partisan politics at its worst, and the American people deserve better.
“It’s time for Congress to put this divisive charade behind us and focus on what matters: keeping our economic momentum going, helping workers and families thrive, and protecting our national security.”
Congressman Jim Banks
“It is Speaker Pelosi, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Jerry Nadler — not President Trump — who are guilty of abusing their power. They have put aside working on the serious issues facing our nation to pursue partisan impeachment. They should be held accountable for putting our country through this.”
Congressman Jim Baird
“Motivated by the upcoming election, Democrats in Congress have acted recklessly and ignored the fact. I stand with President Trump and look forward to passing policies that continue to move our great Country forward."
Congresswoman Susan Brooks
“…Disappointingly, the House Democrats have been solely driven by partisan animosity. Their desire to find a path to impeach the President began the day he was sworn in.  Contrary to past impeachment inquiries, there was no neutral independent investigation that took place before this impeachment inquiry began. Chairman Schiff of the House Intelligence Committee led the most partisan process imaginable acting as the investigator, prosecutor, grand jury, and judge… I do not believe the President committed high crimes and misdemeanors, therefore I voted against the Articles of Impeachment.”
Congressman Greg Pence
“Democrats and their allies in the fake news media have been trying to impeach President Trump since the day he took office. The American people deserve a congress focused on them, not Democrats walking around gloating and high-fiving each other for wrongfully impeaching President Trump, trying to undo the 2016 election. The only thing Democrats have accomplished is ignoring the will of the People. I stand firmly behind President Trump, confident the American people will see through this sham impeachment. God bless President Trump, the great state of Indiana, and the United States of America.”
Congressman Larry Bucshon
“For over three years, House Democrats have been obsessed with impeaching President Trump because they simply cannot accept the results of the 2016 presidential election and are fearful for the results of the 2020 election. That is why from the outset, this sham impeachment process has been nothing more than a partisan exercise to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.
“Speaker Pelosi herself established the standard for impeachment when she said the only way she would move forward with impeachment was if the case was compelling, overwhelming, and bipartisan. Yet, the case for impeachment that has been rushed forward by House Democrats is anything but that. It woefully fails to meet this standard because it does not prove any wrongdoing or impeachable offense has actually taken place; instead, House Democrats’ case rests solely on hearsay testimony and presumptions from cherry-picked witnesses. The only thing that is bipartisan about this impeachment is the opposition to it…”
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth
“Tonight, I voted no on the Democrats' three-year long attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. From the start this partisan process, the only impeachment along party lines in our history, has been about political showmanship, not Americans’ priorities.”
Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer
“Now that the Democrats got their vote to impeach President Trump over with, I’m hopeful the Senate will quickly end this partisan subversion of our constitution. While Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and the other do-nothing Democrats are rabidly attempting to overturn the 2016 election, President Trump and Republicans are negotiating fairer trade deals, strengthening our border, creating jobs, growing our economy and working on issues that actually matter to Hoosiers."

Welcome Home, Vice President Pence!
Last week, it was an honor to welcome Vice President Mike Pence back home again to Indiana for a private campaign event with Governor Eric Holcomb
Get Ready for 2020:
Register for Congress of Counties
Get ready for 2020! It’s just six weeks until Congress of Counties, your Indiana Republican Party’s two-day training and networking event.

We look forward to seeing you in downtown Indianapolis on January 31-February 1 to meet Indiana’s Republican leaders and participate in breakout sessions on important campaign topics like candidate recruitment, fundraising, social media, technology, and more!

If you’re an Indiana Republican, this is an event you’ll want to attend next year! Learn more, and book your registration here.

Upcoming Republican Events

May 1, 2020: Meet Sarah Huckabee Sanders

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb continues to prioritize teacher pay
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch joined Fox Business to discuss how Indiana is thriving
Senator Todd Young praises the repeal of the Medical Device Tax
Senator Mike Braun questions how Dems can be impartial in impeachment trial
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski says stop the impeachment charade
Congressman Jim Banks shares his thoughts on impeachment trial from D.C.
Congressman Jim Baird welcomed a constituent from Attica 
Congresswoman Susan Brooks offers condolences to Mayor Havens' family
Congressman Greg Pence congratulates Rushville FFA
Congressman Larry Bucshon listens to the concerns of community banks
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth remembers Charleston police officer Sgt. Bertram

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