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Stand for Biblical Truth in the Public Square

Dear John,

Democrats have good reason to be concerned about the midterm elections. In May, a Democratic polling firm found that more voters trust Republicans than Democrats to handle education issues.

Is it any wonder why?

Hart Research Associates polled registered voters in seven swing states on behalf of the American Federation of Teachers. Half of the likely voters believe education is too politicized and were dissatisfied with "the amount of say parents have in what their children are taught." The survey also found that 60% of voters disapproved of how schools taught racial issues, and 58% opposed schools' focus on sexual orientation and gender identity ideology.

In all, 86% believe America's educational system needs reform.

The Democratic polling firm advises Democrats to attack Republicans as extreme on education. Yet, their own surveys--not to mention Youngkin's electoral win in Virginia--demonstrate that voters see Democrats as the ones pushing extremist ideas in schools.

The far Left is quite open about wanting to control what children are learning.

At the National Education Association's (NEA) annual convention, President Becky Pringle enrolled the NEA's three million members in an ideological crusade to sexualize public schools. "We will say gay! We will say trans!" she insisted, as members adopted a resolution stating the "NEA will publicly stand in defense of abortion."

Family Research Council has been leading the charge to protect our nation's children, but we need your help.

Will you consider a generous donation to help FRC expose the far Left's indoctrination, equip Christians with a biblical worldview to counter these harmful ideologies, and stand boldly for truth in the public square?


All across the country, parents are pushing back against gender identity ideology, critical race theory, sexually explicit content, and more! They are making an impact by speaking up at their local school board meetings and engaging at the grassroots level to protect their children from woke indoctrination.

In Florida, the Miami-Dade County School Board voted against adopting two new middle and high school sex education textbooks that many parents felt went too far.

And in Kansas, a woman was disappointed when her state legislature failed to pass a parental rights bill. So, after winning her school board race by just a few votes, she drafted a parents' rights resolution and passed it at the school board level.

These parental rights victories "are how to get engaged in the system and be proactive in your corner of the world," said Meg Kilgannon, FRC's senior fellow for Education Studies. She described the win in Miami-Dade as "a real coup for the parents' rights movement sweeping the nation."

Our schools are the key battleground to winning America's culture war because the future of a nation is decided by whoever shapes the hearts and minds of its children.

Will you stand with FRC to protect the next generation?

The priorities and radical policies of the far Left ideologues in government and the NEA who run our education establishment should astonish and alarm all Americans.

The truth is: Parents have the ultimate responsibility and right to direct their children's education, and many are pushing back to retain that right.

FRC is committed to keeping Americans informed on what is really happening on the issues you care about and equipping believers to engage the culture in ways that make a difference.

Just last week, dozens of conservative leaders joined FRC's experts at our powerful Pray Vote Stand Summit to address protecting the unborn, the importance of the nuclear family, domestic and international religious freedom, the growing indoctrination in our nation's schools, and much more. If you missed any moment, you can watch the sessions on demand here.

Your vital donation today will not only make events like this possible, but enable FRC to also:

  • Raise awareness through our various multimedia broadcasts;
  • Work with federal and state legislators to propose policies that protect our children;
  • Educate pastors to speak out on the radical agenda being pushed in schools;
  • Equip parents and activists with informative resources; and
  • Encourage educators to stand firm and teach basic knowledge and skills, not social and political propaganda.

As the battle intensifies in our culture, let us continually pray and stand for God's truth in the public square. Thank you!

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P.S. - As our culture grows increasingly hostile to biblical values, FRC will not be moved! We will stand for truth in the public square--advancing faith, family, and freedom. Will you stand with us for the sake of our nation's children?
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