TODAY: Take just two minutes to double-check your voter registration status >>
John – every year, voters across the country show up to their polling place on Election Day only to be sent home or forced to cast a provisional ballot due to a preventable problem with their registration.
That’s why this National Voter Registration Day, we’re asking Common Cause members like you to double check your registration status – and urge three friends to do the same. Don’t let your voices be silenced in this year’s high-stakes midterm elections!
I’m sure you know as well as I do that our democracy works best when every one of us can participate in it. But if we’re not properly registered – whether that’s due to a clerical error or a targeted voter roll purge by far-right legislators – our right to be heard may be at risk.
And with less than 50 days to go until the midterms, there isn’t a moment to waste. Take these three quick actions today:
Check your voter registration status. Remember: every state’s voter registration requirements and deadlines are different. Some states will even remove voters from the rolls if they haven’t voted in a while! Our easy online tool will give you peace of mind – or tell you what to do if your registration isn’t listed.
Share our voter tools with your friends and family. Through our website, your loved ones can double-check their registration statuses, get registered to vote, request an absentee ballot, and more – all for free. Forward this email to three friends now!
Become an Election Protection volunteer. Inevitably, some voters still face challenges at their polling place this fall. That’s why with our partners, we’re training and placing THOUSANDS of non-partisan volunteer poll monitors across the country this Election Day to help voters navigate these obstacles. Join us! Learn more and sign up now.
John, it won’t take more than two minutes – but by checking your registration status and sharing this email with your loved ones, you’ll make a BIG difference when Election Day rolls around.
Our campus Democracy Fellows in California, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas will be working to increase voter registration and turnout on their respective campuses while educating their fellow students about what’s on the ballot.
We here at Common Cause want to make sure that every voter has the information and resources they need to cast a ballot this fall. All of us should have a say in the people and policies that will shape the future for our families, our community, and this country.
Let’s make the most of this National Voter Registration Day – together.
We’ll see you at the polls,
Sarah Trindell, Senior Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause