What does it take to help a child recover from malnutrition?
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is UNICEF’s most effective tool for treating severe acute malnutrition. RUTF treatment packets are energy-dense, shelf-stable, easy to consume and can help bring a malnourished child back to health in just eight weeks. As the global leader in RUTF procurement, UNICEF purchases and distributes nearly 80 percent of the world's supply — reaching millions of children every year.
Still, at least 10 million severely wasted children – that’s two in every three children — lack access to RUTF. To make matters worse, compounding shocks to food security led by the war in Ukraine are projected to cause the average price of RUTF to increase by up to 16 percent over the course of this year. In the face of this growing crisis, long-term support is needed to ensure treatment reaches children. Start a monthly gift to help UNICEF continue deliveries of RUTF and other vital care. We’ll also send you a FREE UNICEF USA mug when you give today >> |
No child should have to suffer from malnutrition — not when we have the ability to stop it. UNICEF has a brief sliver of precious time to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition before this crisis gets much worse.
Your monthly gifts will help meet the moment to change children’s lives and extend UNICEF’s reach for children around the world >>
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