Austin ISD Dishonest: Gov’t Struck Sex-Ed Deal with Canadian Abortion Provider

It has been discovered yet again that Austin ISD and staff were dishonest about the nature of their connection with abortion provider Alberta Health Services. Despite Austin ISD’s public statements indicating otherwise, documents that were turned over as a result of Texas Values’ Public Information Act request have revealed that Austin ISD had direct communication with Alberta Health Services, which made it clear that Austin ISD is required to have an agreement with the abortion provider in order to use their sex education material and Austin ISD used the material under these terms.

Texas law SB 22 prohibits government entities from contracting with or having a transaction with abortion providers or their affiliates. The law prohibited Austin ISD from using the “Get Real” sex-ed curriculum from Planned Parenthood, so the school district was forced to use other materials, and it appears they have been trying to hide their transaction with Alberta Health Services because they are also an abortion provider. Austin ISD has again failed parents and taxpayers by deceiving the public about influences on the radial sex education it adopted in October for children starting in elementary school.



Making An Impact: Watch Our New 2019 Highlight Video

Texas Values works hard to be your voice in the battles over life, marriage & family, and religious freedom. Your support and activism make you an indispensable part of our team––and every one of our victories! Those victories in 2019 include the passage of three landmark pro-family laws at the Texas Capitol:

  • SB 22, a pro-life law that kicked Planned Parenthood out of Austin’s back-pocket and out of sex-education in public schools in Texas. 
  • The Born Alive Infant Protection Act ensuring the barbaric killings of newborn babies that survive an abortion aren’t being carried out in the state of Texas.
  • The “First Amendment Defense Act,” otherwise known as the “Save Chick-fil-A Religious Freedom Law” that protects every Texan’s First Amendment right to financially support and associate with any Christian ministry or church they cherish.

Please watch our new 2019 Highlight Video to learn how your support is making an impact.



Agency Sued Over Marriage

Justice of the Peace Dianne Hensley has filed a lawsuit against the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct for wrongfully punishing her for not performing same-sex marriages due to her sincerely held religious beliefs. It is appalling that a judge is being publicly reprimanded for holding Biblical beliefs that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.


Sen. Fallon Talks Christmas

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by State Sen. Pat Fallon to talk about Texas’ Merry Christmas Law. At, Texans can educate themselves about their rights under the Merry Christmas Law and learn more about the issue. You can watch and or listen to the show.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220