Advancing Core Advocacy Training in New Mexico Tribal Communities for New Advocates
November 15, 16 & 17, 2022
This training is the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women's 40 Hour-Core Advocacy Training that provides new domestic violence/sexual assault advocates and first responders with state certification in New Mexico and Four Corners region. CSVANW's 40 Hour Advancing Core Advocacy Training is 1 of 2 state certified trainings for new domestic violence advocates. We aim to help first responders and domestic violence advocates work together effectively in a times of crisis.

40-Hour Certification
To receive your 40-hour certification, you must complete the 16.25 hours of the OVC-TTAC Online Training. When you complete this online training, you may upload your certifcate(s) of completion to our AirTable link that will be emailed to you at a later date. OVC-TTAC training must be completed by Friday, June 3, 2022 by 5pm (MDT). Here is the link to OVC Training: OVC-TTAC Online Training 
Travel Scholarship

The CSVANW Travel Scholarship is available to service providers, advocates, and people working in the criminal justice system (i.e. first responders, attorneys, court advocates, etc.) who serve tribal communities or Native American populations. Scholarship preference will be given to CSVANW members. 

Please wait to make any hotel arrangements until you are notified of receiving the scholarship. Should you receive the scholarship, CSVANW will make all lodging arrangements for you.

The deadline to apply
October 28, 2022 by 5pm (MDT)
If you would like you to become a member, apply here: LINK

If you are not applying for the scholarship or receive notification that you were not selected, you may use this group code to make reservations with
Isleta Resort and Casino at (505) 244-8207
Agenda Coming Soon
CSVANW's service area is all of New Mexico, the Four Corners region, and Ysleta del Sur Pueblo in El Paso, Tx.

If you are from out of this area and interested in the training, please contact us at 505-243-9199 or email Delaney Thiele at [email protected] so we can put you in touch with an organization in your region.
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