Dear John,


Will you join the fight to defeat the MAGA right?


In a few weeks, voters are going to decide who controls Congress. Will it be those who outlawed abortion and block voting rights? Or will the forces of democracy win a working majority?


Please sign the voter pledge now to help make this happen.


The child tax credit, a livable environment, whether or not the PRO Act is going to have a chance of getting passed—it’s all on the line.


Just a few days ago, 15,000 nurses in Minneapolis and Duluth took to the picket lines. 115,000 railway workers have threatened to shut down shipping. There were 56 strikes in July, with some 8,000 workers on the picket line across the country. Among these were the Starbucks and Amazon workers, bringing new energy into the labor movement and beyond.


This and more is what it’s going to take to win, because January 6th isn’t over. In state after state Trump and the MAGA right are trying to suppress the vote if they can, change it if they’re able, or disregard it. The majority faction of the Republican Party are willing to do anything, including taking up arms. And the problem is a whole lot bigger than one person. It’s that MAGA movement as a whole, supported by a billionaire class. 


It’s got to be stopped dead in its tracks. If we don’t defeat it in the morning, they’re coming for us by noon. Right now that means defeating all Republicans in November.


Speaking of which, did you know we’ve got nearly 4,000 pamphlets on voting rights awaiting distribution? Why not request a stack for yourself or your club in the lead up to November?


Let’s get moving. It’s time to mobilize the #VoteAgainstFascism.


In struggle,




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