Pass it on: Free membership for Youth & Student CND - limited time only!
Do you know anyone under 25 or in full-time education? Then pass on this exciting, limited time offer from Youth & Student CND!

Starting today and running until 30th September, we are offering free YSCND membership for a whole year! With membership you'll receive: 
  • CND badge and membership card
  • A chance to shape YSCND's campaigning 
  • Support on setting up and running a CND society in your school or university 
  • A broad range of information on our campaigns and on nuclear disarmament 
  • Participate in wider CND campaigning and decision making 
Offer applicable to those 25 years and under or full-time students for a between September 20th – 30th. If you are not a full-time student or under 25, you can always join CND as a paid member. Keep up to date with Youth & Student CND and their membership campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
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