"Our research shows just how far railroad executives will go to funnel record profits to their shareholders—even if that means stagnant wages, inhumane attendance policies, and throwing our supply chain into further turmoil," said one Groundwork Collaborative analyst.
Ahead of the midterm elections, said one political strategist, "Democrats must emphasize to voters that Republicans still control most state legislatures, and if they remain in power, they can drastically change the Constitution."
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Some are conflating the 'reform' laid out in the deal—limiting environmental reviews and prioritizing fossil fuel infrastructure—with changes that would speed up the development of renewables.
Mounting inequality is fueling protests around the globe. The global ruling class is determined to prevent these protests from employing the weapon that can bring them down—strikes.
Can the heroine of this story, true internationalism, survive the onslaught of lawless maniacs bent on reviving a world of unaccountable sovereigns and promoting a war of all against all?