Dear John:

The CMD team has been hard at work this year exposing the pay-to-play game plan of corporate lobby front groups like ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) that pump out policies in your state that hurt the environment, public schools, workers, and families.

I'm sure you'll agree that using corporate lobbyist cash to pay the way for legislators to rub shoulders with special interests at swank resorts away from the public eye and then send them home with an armload of pro-industry bills undermines our democracy.

But the pay-to-play problem is bigger than ALEC!

This week’s 2-1 decision by the 5th Circuit declaring a key piece of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional provides a dramatic case in point. The lawsuit was brought by 18 GOP AGs who coordinate their actions through the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) – a political committee bankrolled by the most powerful industries in America that functions just like ALEC. 

At RAGA, drug, insurance, oil, tobacco, and telecom giants and right-wing dark money groups like the Judicial Crisis Network – which spends millions to get Trump judges like Justice Kavanaugh confirmed – literally buy access to the nation’s top law enforcement officers and script lawsuits and regulations that help line their pockets. 

This year, CMD:

  • Went to court to make public documents on RAGA’s war against Obamacare that they didn’t want you to see -- and won! 
  • Exposed opioid manufacturers' funding of RAGA, even as its AGs backed sweetheart deals with Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the Sackler family.
  • Revealed how $6.7 million in Big Oil money for RAGA fueled its AGs’ anti-environmental actions. 

But right now RAGA and ALEC are gearing up for 2020’s critical elections and legislative fights and will pull out all the stops come January 1 to dismantle public services, block climate action, undermine voting rights, crush unions, and hide their benefactors behind a veil of secrecy. 

That's why CMD urgently needs your help to shine a light on threats from these powerful pay-to-play operations in 2020! 

Your tax-deductible donation to CMD goes directly to pay for the writers and researchers who dig below the surface, file hundreds of freedom-of-information requests, and scour through thousands of pages of documents every year so people have the facts they need to fight back. AND... 

Together we can fight to win back a democracy that works for all of us!

Thank you for your support of CMD and all that you do,

Arn Pearson
Executive Director, Center for Media and Democracy

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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