
Dear John,


Three months ago, tens of thousands of people stood with us in the nation's capital, at the Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, to demand immediate and transformative action to address systemic injustice in our nation. We declared that as a movement, we would take 7 next steps before the midterm elections, including a commitment to engage in mass voter education and mobilization in poor and low-income communities through every means available. 


Today, September 19th, as a part of this effort, we will launch a 50-day national voter outreach program to ensure that the poor and low-income voters are a deciding factor in the upcoming midterm elections. In 2020, we reached over 2 million poor and low-income voters before the general election. Our study of the post-election data showed that an intentional effort to engage low-income voters around an agenda that addresses their critical needs has the potential to shift the nation's policy priorities to one that lifts from the bottom. 


This season, we aim to reach 5 million poor and low-wealth, low-propensity voters across 15 strategic priority states. With living wages, healthcare, voting rights and other issues critical to poor and low-wealth people on the ballot, this year's elections are more crucial than ever. If we ever needed to vote for democracy & justice, we sure do need to vote now! 


Throughout the next 50 days, thousands of volunteers from across the country will be making phone calls, sending texts, knocking on doors and canvassing neighborhoods making sure that poor & low-income people both have the tools they need to register to vote & have a voting plan. 


Join us at 8 PM ET Tuesday, September 20th, as we kick off our national text-banking program. We will share more about our voter education and mobilization efforts during this election season, and you will receive information on how you can become a trained volunteer in this Campaign. New volunteers are welcome! 


Poor and low-wealth people all over this nation are saying—our votes are demands for equal justice under the law for ALL people who call America home. Join us!


Use the Zoom information below to access this important call. Be sure to open emails & texts from the Campaign throughout this season for updates and ways to get involved during the 50 days. And don't forget to follow the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival on all social media platforms. 


Facebook: @anewppc 

Instagram: @poorpeoplescampaign

Twitter: @UniteThePoor 


Voting is Power Unleashed National Text-banking Program Call 

Tuesday, September 20th at 8PM ET 


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 647 803 5273

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,6478035273# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,6478035273# US (New York)


Forward Together,


Bishop William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival