Team Lightfoot is proud to announce that we have just earned the endorsement of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, a national organization dedicated to electing LGBTQ leaders to public office.

Since Mayor Lightfoot’s historic victory in 2019, she has remained the nation’s highest-ranking out LGBTQ mayor and the only Black out lesbian mayor.

Here's what Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund, said about endorsing Lori: 

“Lori has taken on big fights and won on behalf of her constituents, including investing heavily in climate and environmental justice initiatives, working to address housing insecurity, and advancing LGBTQ rights in the city."

“As the nation’s third-largest city, Chicago has an enormous impact on national politics. We are confident Lori will continue to be an important national LGBTQ leader in our fight for a more equitable and just America.”

This is a significant moment for our campaign, and we need to capture the momentum of this endorsement by ensuring all Chicagoans know about it. Will you contribute $20 or more to Mayor Lightfoot’s reelection campaign to help us spread the word about this endorsement?


Victory Fund has always been a tremendous partner for Mayor Lightfoot and our campaign.

In 2019, their early endorsement put our campaign on the map. Now they join LPAC in proudly supporting Chicago’s first LGBTQ mayor for re-election.

Mayor Lightfoot will always fight for the rights and needs of the LGBTQ community – including expanding resources for unhoused youth and reforming policies and training for police interacting with transgender, intersex, and gender-nonconforming people.

With Victory Fund’s support, there is so much more we can accomplish, and we are proud to have their support for Lori’s reelection.

Thanks for your support, 

Team Lightfoot





Following her historic election in 2019, Mayor Lightfoot has undertaken an ambitious agenda of expanding opportunity and inclusive economic growth across Chicago’s neighborhoods and communities. She has led the city through the unprecedented challenges of a global pandemic with tough, fair leadership – all while keeping campaign promises. You can learn more about her work at

Change doesn't happen overnight. Will you join her in the fight to continue to make the great city of Chicago safer, fair, and more equitable?

Lightfoot for Chicago
100 W. Kinzie
Suite 325
Chicago IL 60654 United States

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Paid for by Lightfoot for Chicago. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

Lightfoot for Chicago
100 W. Kinzie
Suite 325
Chicago IL 60654 United States