Fellow Conservative: are you paying attention? Because this is a disaster.
FIRST: House Republicans were BREAKING FUNDRAISING RECORDS and were soaring in the polls! Even the Liberal Mainstream Media admitted that House Republicans would SOAR in November. Your House Republicans were THRILLED.
THEN: Pelosi phoned her dark money donors and sounded the alarms. She begged her shady donors for help, and they answered her call in DROVES. In just THREE MONTHS they raised over HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. Your House Republicans were starting to sweat.
NOW: The Mainstream Media is CONVINCED the Democrats can KEEP the House! YOUR HOUSE REPUBLICANS ARE FREAKING OUT!
We are SO CLOSE to the finish line. Primary Elections are happening across the country RIGHT NOW. The Red Wave is creeping up on the Democrats’ doorstep. One mistake would RUIN our chances of proving the mainstream media and the Radical Left WRONG come November.
Pelosi’s raising MILLIONS and spending MILLIONS MORE attacking freedom-loving patriots across the nation. We need each and every patriot who sees this to join the fight. If we fall even a dollar short, we will lose the House to Pelosi FOREVER.
Thank you for your continued support and thank you for being a dedicated member of our team.
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