John –

Tomorrow is Julie’s biggest deadline yet. The KSTP poll showed us in a dead heat.

And with an opponent who is pro-trump, anti-abortion, and all-in on election conspiracy theories, we can’t afford to take any chances.

We need your help ahead of our deadline. Chip in today to help us send the GOP a message that we’re not going to give them an inch in Minnesota.

Julie’s job isn’t something to take lightly. She safeguards tens of billions of dollars of mostly local taxpayer funds and helps local communities make the best decisions to solve local problems.

That’s why Minnesotans can’t afford someone like Julie’s opponent. His only goal is to politicize the office and force his extreme views on Minnesotans.

Step up today! Contribute now to help us send a message that Minnesotans aren’t interested in what our opponent is selling.

Thank you!

Team Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States