Planners' Update Newsletter
HB 1220 Updates
Draft projected housing needs methodology, numbers coming soon?
In our June newsletter, we let you know that we were working on additional guidance in response to House Bill 1220 (HB 1220). Part of this updated guidance focuses on projecting housing needs by income band for every county in Washington. We plan to share our draft projection methodology and draft housing need numbers the first week of October.
Please sign up to receive notifications and details on the HB 1220 project website.
Draft of Racially Disparate Impacts and Displacement Guidance
HB 1220 also added new requirements for housing elements for fully planning jurisdictions. Local governments need to review and identify housing policies and regulations that have resulted in racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion, and identify and implement policies to begin to undo these impacts. These jurisdictions must also identify areas that may be at a higher risk of displacement and develop anti-displacement policies to avoid these effects. These updates are to be completed with the next periodic update cycle.
Important dates:
TODAY: Draft guidance?posted.
Document will be available for comment for 30 days.
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2 - 4 p.m. PDT: Open House/Q&A
We will host a virtual open house to answer questions and hear feedback and input on the draft guidance. Join the virtual open house?(Zoom meeting link)
You may also sign up for updates on the project website.
Please welcome our new team members!
Jacob Stillwell joins the Growth Management Services team as a Senior Policy Analyst. A seasoned land use attorney here in Washington, Jake began his legal career as a federal clerk and public defender. He has degrees from the University of Washington School of Law and Gonzaga University School of Law, where he served as editor-in-chief of the Gonzaga Law Review. He is passionate about affordable housing and serves as chair of the Community Advisory Board for A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH). You can reach Jake by email at
Steve Davenport joins us as a senior planner in our Spokane office. Steve has over 20 years in long range planning. Prior to that, he worked as a geologist for state and federal government positions in Nevada, California and North Dakota. He has extensive knowledge on a variety of topics, and was on the team that developed Spokane County?s first Growth Management Act plan. Steve spent most of his time on plan development, implementation of regulations and regional planning efforts. His favorite pastime is hiking in wilderness areas with his feisty dog, Lucy. You can reach Steve by email at
Want to join the team? We're hiring!
Come join the GMS team working on the continuing implementation of the Growth Management Act. Many important issues are coming up in the next several years, including the next cycle of periodic updates of comprehensive plans, housing strategies for affordability, Puget Sound region ecosystems recovery, restoration and climate resiliency and much more. There's no better time to be a part of our statewide support network.
Three open Senior Planner positions with our Western team working working on these tough issues and providing guidance, technical assistance, and representing Commerce on a range of policy teams.
Senior Planners (2 positions) with jurisdictional assignments in Snohomish, King, and Kitsap regions. We are looking for candidates with expertise in transportation, multimodal, buildable lands and other regionally specific planning experience
Senior Planner?(1 project position) focusing on Puget Sound ecosystem recovery under contracts with our agency partners working on the National Estuary Program with EPA.
Learn more about the NEP Senior Planner position and the non-project Senior Planner positions at
 Statewide aerial imagery study launched
Last year, the Washington State Legislature requested a statewide aerial imagery study (ESHB 1629), including a representation of all local agencies and special districts. Regional planning is a major area of interest, and the research team is seeking input on potential needs and uses of aerial imagery.
To be successful, we are asking planners at local agencies to visit the new Aerial Imagery Study Website and participate in upcoming workshops and a survey.
Here are three ways are for regional planners to help in this important effort:
Attend a workshop
Tuesday, Sept 20, 1 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept 27, 1 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct 4, 1 - 2:30 p.m. Thursday Oct 6, 1 - 2:30 p.m.(Reserved for tribal governments)
Fill out a survey (Coming to the project website tomorrow, Sept. 20)
Forward this request to other local government staff who use aerial imagery.
The study is being coordinated by Commerce Research Services with Applied Geographics, LLC (AppGeo). It will review current imagery programs, the costs of these programs and identify areas that don?t currently have access to imagery data. AppGeo will analyze the information and make recommendations on efficiencies that benefit the broadest audience possible within the state.
Aerial imagery data is purchased independently, often resulting in multiple payments for collecting the same data. Washington state has a Statewide Imagery Program that provides some imagery options currently used by many different groups such as state, local and tribal governments, special districts, including school districts, and utilities.
To learn more about the research project or ask questions, contact Project Manager Jeremy Walker.
 Upcoming Events
APA Washington Conference Oct. 11-13
IACC Conference Oct. 18-20
Transit Oriented Development Webinar Oct. 21
The Puget Sound region is growing and making historic investments in transit, with over 1 million new residents expected to live near high-capacity transit by 2050. In response, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is hosting a webinar on Equitable Transit Oriented Development on Oct. 21.
Register for the free webinar?to join industry and community leaders in exploring innovative techniques and best practices to build and sustain equitable transit communities.
Questions? Contact Laura Benjamin,?206-464-7134.??
Short course on local planning
The Short Course on local planning offers an overview of land use planning laws in Washington, an introduction to comprehensive planning and plan implementation under the Growth Management Act (GMA), and a review of roles in planning and mandatory training on the Open Public Meetings Act for local government officials. All courses are online, free and open to the public.
Thurs., 9/29
6 - 9 p.m.
Tues., 10/25
6 - 9 p.m.
Wed., 11/16
1 - 4 p.m.
Thurs., 12/8
1 - 4 p.m.
Ask about local presentations
Commerce also offers e-visits to local planning commissions or other meetings. Topics include, but are not limited to, comprehensive plan basics and roles in the planning process. Contact your regional planner to request a presentation.
Upcoming Planners? Forum dates
Commerce Planners? Forums are quarterly events presented regionally across Washington state in partnership with the Washington APA and the Planners Association of Washington. Each one features guest speakers discussing relevant topics and related?American Planning Association?guidelines.
All are virtual events on Zoom.
Peninsula Planners? Forum? 9:30-11 a.m., Sept. 29? Register
Southwest WA Planners? Forum? 9-11:30 a.m., Sept. 29? Register
Eastern WA Planners? Forum? 1-3 p.m., Oct. 26? Register
Remember, you can receive American Planning Association (AICP) credits or attending based on the topics covered.