
You are a big part of building the New Florida Majority through your contribution. 2019 was a hard year nationally. But here in Florida you were instrumental in a really important win. BIG, BIG thanks for that!

Your contribution along with others fueled the work that helped us mobilize 600 volunteers to bring vital supplies directly to the communities that needed it most after devastating Hurricane Dorian. 

I am asking you to show up again and give today. In 2020, the stakes are even higher for climate justice as stronger hurricanes pose a real threat to our vulnerable communities. 

It was all hands on deck at the Miami Community Emergency Operations Center! Alongside our members, partners, and volunteers we collected supplies to ship directly to the Bahamas.

A donation of $50, $100, or whatever you can afford to give helps us move forward in our mission of creating a Florida where everyone can follow their dreams. Click here to donate now. 

Thank you for joining me and our volunteers, and for making a generous donation today. 

Andrea Mercado
Executive Director
New Florida Majority Education Fund

P.S. Legislative session convenes January 14th. Give your donation now to ensure New Florida Majority Education Fund is there to help community members advocate for climate justice. Click here.


New Florida Majority Education Fund
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States