He raises the needy from the dust, Do you know someone who would be interested in receiving the Weekly Digest? Share this email and subscribe! Highlights from CCUSACheck out our Featured Speakers for the 2022 Annual Gathering in Baltimore September 27-29! Just one week left until we will all be in Baltimore. Check out the 2022 Annual Gathering website to view the profiles of our featured speakers, including Catholic Charities USA President and CEO Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD; Mr. Timothy P. Schmalz, artist and sculptor; and Dr. Matthew Desmond, PhD, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Evicted. We look forward to seeing you soon! Events and WebinarsHunger, Nutrition and the Farm Bill. September 21, 2022, 2:30 PM ET CCUSA is hosting with CRS and USCCB a legislative briefing on hunger, nutrition, and the Farm Bill that will examine how organizations are using U.S. funding to respond to needs at home and around the world, including addressing the following questions:
The event will feature featuring a panel of experts from the USCCB, Catholic Charities West Virginia, and CRS. Register for the webinar. Multilingual Financial Empowerment Resources Webinar. October 4, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Join CFPB staff to walk us through the variety of multilingual resources available to promote financial conversations with the people we serve. These resources are designed to help social services providers with Financial Empowerment tools for Spanish Speakers and other Limited English Proficiency communities to achieve goals and work through challenges. The material can help people to:
Parish Referrals: A Parish Engagement Strategy. October 24, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Discover strategies for parish engagement through the gifts of time, talent or treasure as developed by Catholic Charities Fort Worth. Special emphasis will be placed on their parish referral program, which equips designated parish representatives to make streamlined referrals to Catholic Charities programs, maximizing impact and increasing trust and transparency with parish partners. Webinar participants will learn to develop customized engagement plans for individual parishes and adapt Fort Worth’s referral program for their local needs. Kasey Whitley, Director of Parish Social Ministry, and Kimberly Phelan, Parish Engagement Coordinator, will present. Register for the webinar. Helping Clients Launch Thriving Wage Careers With Per Scholas. October 25, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Are you interested in learning how you can help your clients with a passion for technology to launch careers in IT through tuition-free training, professional development and employer connections at Per Scholas? Join us for a webinar to explore how you can connect your clients to launch thriving wage careers in technology at the Per Scholas program and get the skills they need to grow their careers in tech. Register in advance for this webinar. CCUSA Immigration and Refugees Services Community of Practice Monthly Meeting Please join us for the CCUSA Immigration and Refugee Services Community of Practice meetings. During these meetings, we will hear from the field about pressing issues in the Immigration and Refugee Services and receive a policy update from CCUSA, MRS/USCCB, and CLINIC. Register in advance for the meetings and choose one or more of the following sessions to attend:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meetings. Vision and Tools for Vibrant Parish Social Ministries. November 8, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Inspired by the USCCB's Communities of Salt and Light and CCUSA’s Catalysts and Collaborators in Ministry, parishes and agencies can collaborate to build strong and integrated parish social ministries (PSM). Join this webinar to reflect on your own parish social ministry efforts in light of these two foundational documents and learn best practices for what is possible today. Participants will also learn about resources from CCUSA and USCCB for encounter, learning and action. Register for the webinar. Employment OpportunitiesView job opportunities at CCUSA and Catholic Charities agencies on our careers page. CCUSA members may post job opportunities through the submission form available on the members' portal. If you have any questions about the job opportunities submission form, please contact Christina Kilroy. CCUSA Photo GalleryDid you know that one of the benefits CCUSA provides to member agencies is access to a professional photo gallery? Visit our Flickr photo pages to explore our albums and photos. If you would like a high-resolution version for your agency's use, please email CCUSA with photo number. |
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