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Hi , 
We’ve been working with Brooklyn community groups to address the environmental racism and impact of the North Brooklyn pipeline. We began in 2021 with a groundbreaking federal civil rights case. Our next chance to make change is this week at hearings on September 20 & 21.

Take action! Join us to support Black, Brown, and Indigenous Brooklyn communities rising up to testify about the impact the North Brooklyn Pipeline has on Brownsville, Ocean-Hill, Williamsburg, and Bushwick residents.

We will be highlighting New York State’s discriminatory failure to conduct and ensure environmental testing to protect the communities of color who live along the pipeline in violation of state and federal environmental and civil rights laws. Alongside Brownsville Green Justice, the Ocean Hill-Brownsville Coalition of Young Professionals, Mi Casa Resiste, and Indigenous Kinship Collective, we’re showing up at New York State DPS hearings to demand we are included and our health and safety is protected on September 20 & 21. 

Here are the full details: 

Join Virtual Hearings 
If you plan to testify virtually on September 20, you must register via these links by 3pm today, September 19
September 20 at 1pm | Link to join
September 20 at 6pm | Link to join

Join In-Person Hearings
September 21 at 1pm | Cooper Park Houses Gym, 76 Kingsland Ave, East Williamsburg, Brooklyn
September 21 at 6pm | Polish Slavic Center, 176 Java St, Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Two Black women, a Brown queer with a shaved head, a Latinx woman and a Black man surround a Latinx woman speaking at a podium at an outdoor rally near a handball court. Four of the group hold a black banner with white letters that says: OUR LAND OUR HOOD
Brooklyn community activists hold an action to stop the construction of the North Brooklyn Pipeline.

This is an important moment for indigenous, Black, and Latinx communities fighting the disproportionate harms to their health and environments the pipeline and its construction are causing.

Thank you for helping to support! 
Anjana Malhotra
Senior Staff Attorney 

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The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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