We simply won’t meet our $400,000 goal by December 31 without you.
Dear John,
We’d like to say our work to rescue and care for suffering farm animals around the country is priceless, but our mission does come with a price tag—and it’s pretty steep.
We’ve set a goal of raising $400,000 by December 31. That’s what it will take to help give us the head start we need to fund our rescue, education, and advocacy work in 2020.
It’s a big goal—but behind it are real, live, grateful animals whose ongoing care is only possible with your support—animals like Pippi, a calf with an incurable heart condition; Grace, a goat who is now thriving at our Southern California shelter after being found alone and tethered to a dog kennel; and Boris, an “Easter Lamb” who survived slaughter and now lives in Florida, thanks to our Farm Animal Adoption Network.
And these are just the animals we’ve managed to rescue. Thousands more remain out there—sick, neglected, or worse. That’s why we need your help today.
Recently, a bequest of $100,000 was made by Rena Roseman, a dearly departed Farm Sanctuary member who lived her life with compassion for all beings, to give us a head start on our year-end goal. Will you also give generously to help us care for our current residents while we work to end cruelty and neglect across the country?
Follow the lead of our generous donor, and join Farm Sanctuary now. We simply won’t meet our $400,000 goal by December 31 without your help.
We love to introduce our beloved animal family, share the stories of how we found them—or how they found us—and how much brighter their lives are today. But that’s only a part of the wide array of programs and services we provide in pursuit of a kinder, safer, more just world for farm animals everywhere.
Did you know that we advocate in Washington, DC and in state legislatures for protections for farm animals? Or that we offer Humane Education—with in-class programming for middle and high school students, virtual reality classroom experiences, and more?
And, that’s all in addition to housing, feeding, and providing medical care for the nearly 1,000 animals in our sanctuaries and dispatching rescue teams to animals in crisis on a regular basis.
That’s why your contribution toward our year-end goal is so important. Please, help us honor the donor who gave the generous bequest—and the farm animals she loved—by joining Farm Sanctuary today.
We count on loyal Farm Sanctuary supporters like you to be the advocate, rescuer, and caregiver that farm animals desperately need.
We know it’s a heavy ask! But in honor of Pippi, Grace, Boris and all the other animals who will—thanks to our generous donors—get to spend their first holiday season receiving the loving care they deserve, please join Farm Sanctuary today. Help us reach our year-end goal so we can be there for every animal who needs us.
On behalf of farm animals everywhere, thank you so much for all that you do!
Yours for farm animals,
Gene Baur
President and Co-founder |
P.S. Farm Sanctuary counts on friends like you to be the first line of protection for farm animals. If you see a farm animal in danger or distress, or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring, please contact Farm Sanctuary right away at (607) 583-2225. Your call can save an animal’s life. Your generous donation can, too! Please join Farm Sanctuary today.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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