Volodymyr Zelensky posted this picture on his Telegram page the other day. The bodyguard standing behind him is sporting a Nazi totenkopf (death's head) patch. This particular version was traced to a vendor named R3ICH (which was sold out) and sports a key in the top right corner with a number that symbolizes Hitler's personal guard. There are so many Nazis around Zelensky that they keep showing up accidentally. "But Zelensky's Jewish!" He is Jewish, but was elected into a heavily Nazified system, largely because he wasn't any of the other guys. You can deny there is a significant number of Nazis in Ukraine if you need to do that, but if Ukraine were to successfully cleanse all the Russians, what do you suppose would happen to Ukraine's Jews?

I wanted to give you all an update on the war in Ukraine, though. Russia had been having its way with Ukraine. NATO countries' support was starting to weaken. I believe that was the purpose behind the recent counter-offensive in which the Ukrainians recaptured a bit of territory. This was played up as a big win, of course, but Russia gave up the territory voluntarily, losing a tenth of the soldiers the Ukrainians lost. Multiple counter-offensives after that have all been unsuccessful. Because of the push, and the publicized involvement of US forces, it must now be recognized that the Ukrainian army is now a NATO army- NATO weapons, computer systems, methodology, planning. Expect Russia to escalate soon, possibly even upgrading the special military operation to a counter-terror operation.

We've been following the shelling of the nuclear power plant at Zaporozhye, which continues. IAEA inspectors were able to make their way to the plant. They examined the craters left by the shelling, etc and sent most of the inspectors home, leaving two inspectors behind to maintain communication between the power plant and the IAEA. But the report did not mention who was doing the shelling. I wonder why THAT was. Consider that the head of the team met with Zelensky before going to Zaporozhye and that Zelensky knew that Ukrainian shelling would continue, and yet Zelensky sent the IAEA team into the shelling. Could the IAEA be corrupted? The OPCW sure as hell was!
In case you missed it, Mark Zuckerberg went on the Joe Rogan show and said that, prior to the news broke about Hunter Biden's laptop, the FBI warned Facebook of a surge of Russian disinformation and encouraged censorship. As I have gone over before, the courts have consistently held that government agencies may not ask, pressure, threaten or cajole privately owned businesses to do their censorship or it is a violation of the first amendment. But this isn't new. We saw the White House give Facebook a list of names to censor and have seen the Congressional hearings calling for the suppression of "misinformation", all of which is illegal.

If you screamed about Russian election interference in 2016 but downplay the fact that dozens of high ranking government officials lied about Hunter Biden's laptop to ensure a sitting president was not re-elected and that people who talked about it were censored on social media at the behest of the government, you are a deeply un-serious person.
Some people don't understand that the United States has been provoking Russia for years and began building up weapons in Ukraine intentionally to start a war. Those people (mainly mainstream media watchers) think that Putin is a madman who just woke up one day and decided to rebuild the USSR. That's totally not the case. In fact now we have leaked documents that show the US planned this ahead of time as a way to loot and plunder Ukraine. That shouldn't surprise anyone that's paying attention. It's our foreign policy in a nutshell.
US interference in the Horn of Africa, under Joe Biden, has led to a huge increase in local violence. Somali group Al Shabbab is bolder than they've been in years. And thanks to US backing of the TPLA, Ethiopia is now a bigger human rights catastrophe than Ukraine is. But you won't see US Democrats calling Joe Biden "Hitler" or adding the Ethiopian flag to their profile or saying "Long live Ethiopia" in Amharic because the corrupt media didn't tell them to be outraged. African reporter Hermela Aregawi reports that the head of the World Health Organization is actually a member of the TPLF and not even a medical doctor.
Queen Elizabeth II died, as you've heard, I'm sure. In nearly 200 years of genocidal colonialism, the British empire stole $45 trillion in wealth from India (17 times more than UK GDP), killing millions. "But India became independent before Elizabeth took the throne." Perhaps, but she wears riches looted from the global south, such as the Great Star of Africa, valued at $400 million. The UK monarchy, Queen Elizabeth, the royal family are symbols of murder, exploitation, and theft. Besides, she DID lock 1.5 million Kenyans in concentration camps where they faced torture and rape.
If you watch TV over the internet in California, chances are you're being bombarded with ads for propositions that will legalize online gambling. Both prop 26 & 27 are an economic assault on the sovereign indigenous tribes who were promised this boon to tribal incomes. Haven't we broken enough promises to native Americans?

But one of these ads tells viewers that one of these propositions is better than the other because it gives some money to homeless programs. I assure you, it gives far more money to wealthy casino investors. This ad is deceptive because it intends to trick people into thinking they must choose one or the other. Please do as I do and choose neither.
Last week was the 21st anniversary of 9/11. You've seen movies about the attack, you've seen movies dispute the physics of the crashes, but Fabled Enemies is about the actions and diplomacy going on behind the scenes at the time. Almost all of this is information I'd never heard. It definitely merits a watch.
Crooked Governor Gavin Newsom won't sign AB2183 because he is a winery owner and doesn't want to pay his workers a fair wage. Why don't you give him a call or send him an email and tell him how you feel about his failure to support farm workers?
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