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December 19, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 19, 2019
Says House?s ?impeachment in search of articles? is ?the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair? impeachment inquiry in modern history
YOUTUBE ? In a historic speech Thursday on the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described "partisan rage" – rather than rational, deliberative process – as the driving force behind House Democrats' impeachment of President Donald Trump Wednesday, which the GOP leader repeatedly characterized as "rushed," "thin," and "weak." He called the three-year-long process that began before the president took office an "impeachment in search of articles" and said the past 12 weeks have been "the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history." Citing compelling factual and historical evidence, McConnell made clear the Senate has a duty to reject House Democrats' "toxic new precedent that[, if not repudiated,] will echo well into the future."... (more)

December 19, 2019
BREITBART ? The top Senate Republican is denouncing the "unfair" House impeachment of President Donald Trump and reassuring Trump and his supporters that "moments like this are why the United States Senate exists." Sen. Mitch McConnell, in remarks prepared for a Thursday floor speech, accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being afraid to send "their shoddy work product to the Senate" after she threw uncertainty into the impeachment process by refusing to say when she would send two impeachment articles to the Senate for a trial.... (more)

December 19, 2019
FOX NEWS ? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set the stage Thursday for a potentially bruising fight between the leadership of the two chambers over impeachment, as he tore into Nancy Pelosi for "shoddy work" and said Democrats may be "too afraid" to send the articles to the Senate after the House speaker abruptly held off on transmitting them.... (more)

December 19, 2019
ANDREW MCCARTHY ? I'll confess: Last night, when I was first told that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was toying with the idea of not delivering the two articles of impeachment voted by the House against President Trump, I assumed it was a joke. For these last weeks, the Democrat-dominated chamber has been in a mad rush to impeach the president. Democrats even tacked on article two -- "obstruction of Congress" -- because, they told us, time could not be wasted engaging in the usual negotiation and litigation over legislative demands for executive branch information. Trump is a clear and present threat to "continue" undermining our elections, we were admonished. That's why he needs to be impeached right now. That's why the political class cannot responsibly leave his fate up to the sovereign, the People, who will vote in November.... (more)

December 19, 2019
After breaking with Democrats on impeachment, Rep. Jeff Van Drew decided to join the GOP
POLITICO ? Rep. Jeff Van Drew on Thursday formally became a Republican, pledging his "undying support" for Donald Trump as the ex-Democrat sat next to the president in the White House. "I believe that this is just a better fit for me," the New Jersey lawmaker said, following a meeting with Trump on Thursday afternoon. "This is who I am."... (more)

December 19, 2019
NEW YORK POST ? It is said there are two things you should never watch being made: sausage and government budgets. Now we can add impeachment to the list of stomach-turning sights to avoid. The arcane rules, phony cordiality and debates over the second sentence in paragraph G of Point Six were bad enough, but the nausea meter hit the roof when Nancy Pelosi took the microphone. Wearing a funereal black dress, she stood next to a cardboard American flag and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.... (more)

December 19, 2019
NEW YORK POST ? Nancy Pelosi shot down cheers from her own party with a stare and a hand gesture as she gaveled in the passage of the first article of impeachment against President Trump Wednesday night. As she announced the Democrats had garnered 230 "yea" votes on the article accusing Trump of using his office for personal gain, jubilant Democrats began to cheer and clap.... (more)

December 19, 2019
BYRON YORK ? After rushed and intense proceedings into the Ukraine affair, the House has voted to impeach President Trump. The vote was 230 to 197 for the first article of impeachment charging the president with abuse of power and 229 to 198 for the second article charging him with obstruction of Congress.... (more)

December 19, 2019
TWITTER ? The President is not going to be removed from office – period. The House's action is nothing more than a political sham – one that the vast majority of Oklahomans and I are sick and tired of. My full statement:... (more)

December 17, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz clarified Wednesday that his investigation into the FBI's FISA abuses "did not reach" the conclusion that the bureau was unaffected by political bias during its 2016 Russia investigation.... (more)

December 17, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? In a rare public order issued Tuesday, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court condemned the FBI for the errors and omissions in its application to surveil Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page and gave the bureau until January 10th to propose reforms to prevent future abuses. The order follows the release of Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report, which detailed 17 "significant errors and omissions" in the warrant application to surveil Page.... (more)

December 17, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? To grasp the weakness and poverty of the Democrats' impeachment effort, you don't need to listen to the Republican responses. You simply need to read the impeachment articles themselves. They tell the story of a party that was always planning to impeach President Trump and which has now settled on intentionally vague and airy charges. Why? Because Democrats are preemptively trying to avoid political accountability for what they are about to do.... (more)

December 17, 2019
NEWSMAX ? The FISA Court is "culpable" in the Russia "madness," and should be "ended," says Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. "We need a process, OK," Nunes told Fox News' Martha McCallum on "The Story" when she asked whether he agreed with Fox judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano that the court should be eliminated.... (more)

December 17, 2019
JOAN SWIRSKY ? There is nothing new about the fanatical hatred of Jews that we see playing out in today's world -- literally a pandemic of anti-Semitism which echoes the fear and loathing that gave rise to the over-4,000-year history of the Inquisition, the Crusades, centuries of pogroms, the expulsion of Jews from country after country, and the Holocaust of the 20th century in which six-million Jews were savagely incinerated in the crematoria of Hitler's Germany, as the entire world -- including U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt -- looked on and did nothing!... (more)

December 17, 2019
DAILY SIGNAL ? The vote by the House Judiciary Committee Friday to adopt two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump makes it clear that Democrats are moving full speed ahead on the road to impeachment--regardless of the merits of their accusations or the integrity of their process.... (more)

December 15, 2019
Strzok text shows why bureau rushed to end Hillary probe
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey pointed out a key text exchange between lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page indicating bias against Donald Trump that was left out of the latest inspector general report.... (more)

December 15, 2019
BREITBART ? Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz pointed out on Friday that the Supreme Court had undercut the Democrats' second article of impeachment by agreeing to hear three White House appeals against subpoenas.... (more)

December 15, 2019
BYRON YORK ? The Democratic drive to remove President Trump reached a milestone during the House Judiciary Committee's marathon hearing to approve two articles of impeachment. At some moment during that 14-hour session, it became abundantly clear that no one involved in the argument had anything new to say. In the absence of any original evidence or arguments, lawmakers on both sides simply said the same things they've been saying for the past two months, over and over and over.... (more)

December 15, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Rep. Jefferson Van Drew, D-N.J., who has been openly against impeachment, is ditching the Democratic Party, The Hill reported Saturday. Van Drew is already letting his staff and fellow New Jersey delegation members know he's switching parties, unnamed aides told The Hill.... (more)

December 15, 2019
Architect of JFK and LBJ?s disastrous strategy of numerical ?attrition? needlessly destroyed thousands of impaired lives
YOUTUBE ? Hamilton Gregory, author of "McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam," discusses his book at Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College October 8, 2015. The author describes how Defense Secretary Robert McNamara lowered mental standards to induct 354,000 low-IQ men at a time large numbers of college students were avoiding military service during the Vietnam War, causing mentally impaired inductees to be killed in combat at an appalling rate of three times the rate for other inductees.... (more)

December 14, 2019
NEW YORK POST ? Inspector General Michael Horowitz finally damned the FBI during his testimony Wednesday when he said he would be "skeptical" that there was anything accidental in the egregious catalog of errors the bureau committed in its spying operation on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.... (more)

December 14, 2019
NEW YORK POST ? In the middle of Russia fever, the liberal press took a hectoring tone to any outlet that showed a glimmer of doubt. How dare any journalist not believe that President Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin! Who would question the upstanding virtues of the FBI?... (more)

December 14, 2019
Headline could have read instead: 'I'll do whatever they [Mitch and Lindsey] want to do, it doesn't matter,' as Trump made clear to the media
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? In an obvious distortion of the truth in an attempt to embarrass President Donald Trump, Yahoo ran an article Friday with the headline: "Trump: 'I'll do whatever I want' during Senate impeachment trial." The sensational headline was featured front and center at Drudge. In reality, the president was weighing merely whether to have a long or a short impeachment trial in the GOP-controlled Senate, and he meant nothing like what the misleading headline trumpeted.... (more)

December 14, 2019
NEWSMAX ? The White House has started to map out its plan for defending Donald Trump in an impeachment trial likely to happen early next year, but differences between the president and Senate leader Mitch McConnell over the proceedings has so far cut the strategy short.... (more)

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