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Minutes of a meeting in January have been revealed that show multiple complaints from patients at Bethesda Medical Centre that religion was 'pushed upon' them. Dr Richard Scott was cleared last month of any wrongdoing by the General Medical Council after the NSS reported that he was preaching to patients.
The European court of human rights has instructed the government to reimburse the women for the cost of travel and the termination at a private English clinic seven years ago.
New protection orders aimed at halting female genital mutilation can be an "effective and proven approach" to dealing with the problem, MSPs have been told.
Insolvency experts were hired on Tuesday after the Society of Friends of the Torah (SOFT) went administration. SOFT was part of an umbrella group of charities that included Agudas Israel Community Services, which was named by a BBC documentary last year which alleged involvement in widespread fraud in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Arsenal star Mesut Ozil has been removed from the Chinese version of eFootball PES 2020 following criticism of the country's treatment of Uighur Muslims
A recent article in the Jewish Chronicle emboldens the very people we are all meant to be fighting against which are racists and bigots, says a piece published by Faith Matters.
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