anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Friday, December 20th, 2019

What’s Paleo, and What’s Not

Article by Paul Gottfried.

The Afghanistan Fiasco and the Decline and Fall of the American Military

Article by Philip Giraldi.

One of the FBI’s Most Illegal Hoover-Era Operations: COINTELPRO — Put on Steroids by LBJ and Hoover

Article by Phillip F. Nelson.

Richard Jewell, Carter Page, and the Illusion of the FBI’s Power and Competence

Article by James Bovard.

Not to Worry…Usually

Article by Eric Peters.

Is Impeachment Backfiring on the Dems?

Article by Patrick J. Buchanan.

How The Deep State

Sunk the Democratic Party.

The Rational Left

A remnant exists.

This Is an Abuse of the Power of Impeachment

Article by Sean Collins.

Skyrocketing Costs Will Pop All the Bubbles

Article by Charles Hugh Smith.

By Impeaching Trump, Democrats Have Made Him More Powerful Than They Could Ever Imagine

Article by Nebojsa Malic.

Water Fluoridation: A Good Way To Lower IQ

Article by Dr. David Brownstein.

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