I need to be upfront about the stakes of our must-win Senate race, Friend:

I am up against an opponent handpicked by Donald Trump.

I am up against a Senate GOP campaign arm that’s already spent $80 million this year to flip the single seat they need to take back Senate control.

I am up against one of the last public FEC reporting deadlines of the general election and facing a $1,043 shortfall.

If we lose this seat, it won’t just mean that another Trump-backed extremist is in the Senate. It will also mean that Mitch McConnell has retaken control of the chamber – and that he’ll have a radical new colleague to rubber-stamp his disastrous GOP agenda. We simply cannot allow this nightmare scenario to come true.

With voting rights on the line, women’s healthcare, and contraception on the line, LGBTQ rights and reproductive freedoms on the line, I implore you for your support: Please, before my fundraising deadline, will you chip in $5 or more to help me make up this urgent shortfall, keep this seat blue and protect Democratic control of the Senate?

Thank you,


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