Team, it’s FiveThirtyEight official: an April Becker win here in NV-03 will cost us control of the House.
Before I dive into what I just found, I have an urgent ask for you: please chip in to help us reach our mid-month goal and prevent radical April Becker from flipping the House:
You need to see this for yourself – FiveThirtyEight’s election model predicts that Republicans will certainly win the House if April Becker wins this seat.
What this tells our team is what we’ve known all along and have been saying for months: we need to win this race to hold the House in November.
The GOP just dumped $8.9 million in attack ads against Susie Lee because they see this same figure. Can you rush a donation to help us defeat Susie’s far-right opponent? →
It’s obvious that we can’t hinge our hopes on 6 in 100 chances, so we have no choice but to do everything we can to win this election.
And make no mistake, April Becker is running on the most extreme MAGA agenda that this district has ever seen.
If we let April buy her way into Congress with the GOP’s millions, it will only mean another person will join the conspiracy caucus alongside Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert.
We can’t leave Susie high and dry to take on this fight herself. So, will you rush a contribution of however much you can afford to help our team reach its mid-month goal and re-elect Susie Lee this November?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thanks for all that you do to support this campaign!
With you,
Gabby Everett
Campaign Manager
Susie Lee for Congress