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A weekly digest of our latest research, commentary, and blog posts
Latest Research
Alberta experienced largest economic decline during pandemic’s first year, Quebec saw sharpest employment decline
Storm without End: The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Canada and the Provinces finds that the economic impacts of COVID-19 varied across Canada with Alberta experiencing the steepest decline in economic activity in 2020 and Quebec experiencing the sharpest initial decline in employment.
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Reliance on climate change data from IPCC is badly misplaced
The Hand of Government in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a new essay that documents how the IPCC was created by and is controlled by governments of countries that perceive political benefits from international regulatory action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, despite misperceptions, the IPCC has never produced a full and fair assessment of what is known and not known regarding the causes and consequences of global climate change, and its structure and processes ensure that it never will.
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Commentary and Blog Posts
Independent central bank may be only defense against Ottawa’s ‘crisis’ management [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Globe and Mail) by Steven Globerman
The central bank has acknowledged that it underestimated the inflationary effects of its actions.
Overwhelming evidence—it’s time to fix Canadian health care [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Montreal Gazette) by Mackenzie Moir and Bacchus Barua
Canada ranked last on the timeliness of both specialist and elective surgical care.
Canada must come back down to ‘energy’ reality [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Calgary Sun) by Kenneth P. Green
Canadian governments have worked to keep oil and gas resources locked in the ground.
Businessmen who preach ‘corporate social responsibility’ pave the road to socialism [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Ottawa Sun) by Matthew Lau
Societies where free enterprise prevails have the highest standards of living.
B.C.’s surplus only tells part of story about provincial finances [[link removed]]
by Jake Fuss
The province's net debt increased in 2021/22 by $2.6 billion to reach $55.8 billion.
A closer look at Canada’s changing labour market [[link removed]]
by Tegan Hill
The national employment rate in 2022 was 0.2 percentage points below the rate in 2019.
Ford government continues Wynne-like debt levels [[link removed]]
by Ben Eisen
Between 2018 and 2024, the Ford government will increase debt by a forecasted average of $20.7 billion annually.
Canada’s PISA scores—good news, bad news [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Hub) by Derek J. Allison
In each subject, the country's average scores have been declining over time.
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