John –

This race is far more important than the politics at play. Julie’s job has her overseeing tens of billions of taxpayer dollars, including retirement funds for hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans.

Our opponent would let politics get in the way of smart investing.

He wants to follow Texas’ lead in ignoring climate change when investing, something that every responsible investment manager in the country is already doing.

Even if you don’t care about the environment, this guy wants to leave money on the table by taking a pass on the rapidly growing green sector.

Our next deadline is only a few days away. We need you to stand with us to help keep far-right politics out of the auditor’s office and out of our pensions.

Please, chip in today to help power our campaign and help protect the retirement of hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans.

In every statewide race this year, we’re seeing candidates from the GOP that want to impose their extreme beliefs on Minnesotans.

They want to ban abortion, suppress voting and want to accelerate climate change.

Ours is the closest race in the state right now, Julie is neck and neck with her opponent.

We can’t afford to slow down now. Please chip in before Tuesday’s deadline to help Julie fight back and win!

Thank you,

Chris Kluthe
Blaha for Auditor



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States