Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Ro Khanna Stands w/Bernie | TAKE ACTION: Stop Manchin’s Dirty Deal | Midterms BLUEPRINT | Swing State Fund! | Fighting for Fetterman | St. Louis & RI Wins | New Nina Turner Show! | M4A Fight in Wisconsin | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ Mark your calendars for our next National Organize-to-Win Call, set for 8:30p ET/5:30 CT on Sept. 26! Guests will include Jamie McLeod-Skinner (OR-5), who defeated one of the worst corporate Dems in Congress in the primary and now faces the GOP in November! RSVP HERE ★ ★ ★ URGENT FIGHT! On Thursday, Our Revolution teamed up with Greenpeace for a Special LIVE Town Hall to Stop Manchin’s Dirty Deal — joined by US Rep. Ro Khanna and environmental leaders to mobilize action to pressure Congress! “I’m with Bernie. I’m a no-vote on any continuing resolution with this deal attached,” Ro said last night. “This would sacrifice frontline communities and expedite fossil fuel projects. No.” Manchin’s backroom deal would also cancel out the climate steps Democrats are now celebrating in the Inflation Reduction Act! “The IRA was the compromise,” Ro said. “And, frankly, we need more people to say what Bernie Sanders and I are saying, which is we’re going to vote no if push comes to shove on this.” Stand with Bernie and Ro to call on your Reps to reject this dirty deal and take a stand for people and the planet. ★ ★ ★ Manchin’s dirty deal is a wishlist literally written by fossil fuel lobbyists, and he wants Chuck Schumer to attach it to a must-pass bill to fund the government — which will be voted on by the House before Sept. 30! We can’t let Manchin hold us hostage. He already killed the most impactful climate portions of the Democratic agenda and Manchin got plenty of fossil fuel favors in the Inflation Reduction Act — we don’t owe Joe Manchin anything! Ro said he doesn’t want a government shutdown, but this deal must be stopped. “The only way we stop this is if we organize and if progressives in Congress stick together to make it clear, like myself and Sen. Sanders, to say it’s a firm no-vote if the side deal is there.” “Progressives are willing to have a conversation about expediting clean energy, but it’s not going to be in the next 15 days under threat of shutting down the government and at the expense of frontline communities.” Don’t let your Reps cave to a coal baron. ★ ★ ★ Greenpeace USA Chief Program Officer Tefere Gebre said on our Town Hall plainly that this deal will “sacrifice lives, silence our voices, and sideline our climate goals.” “The science is clear. If we want a habitable planet, we cannot afford this dirty deal,” Tefere said. “We already paid an incredibly high price for the fossil fuel handouts in the IRA - we can and must stop this deal.” He reminded us: “Remember Joe Manchin promised to vote for Build Back Better, and he walked away from that deal. We don’t owe him anything.” Click this link to quickly call your Reps now! ★ ★ ★ Grace Tuttle of Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) told us on our Town Hall of the Appalachian Resistance that went to DC last week — rallying and meeting with more than 50 members of Congress to lobby against the deal. “We were not at the table when this dirty deal was negotiated so we’re taking the fight directly to the source,” Grace said. “Frontline communities are already making so many sacrifices, we’re not compromising anymore.” She laid out the stakes for the dangerous Mountain Valley Pipeline in Manchin’s state of WV and dispelled the myth that even some elected climate champions were believing that the deal would be good for renewable energy — it won’t. “There are still many members of Congress that need more convincing,” Grace said. “We need all of you to reach out to your Reps!” MAKE THE CALL ★ ★ ★ Naadiya Hutchinson, Government Affairs Manager WE ACT Environmental Justice, also joined our Town Hall to Stop Manchin's Dirty Deal. Naadiya explained how the deal prioritizes fossil fuel projects for federal funding and guts tools like the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that frontline communities use to seek redress and justice through the courts. “The environmental justice movement is founded in equity,” Naadiya said. “There is no equity in fast-tracking fossil fuel projects, excluding our communities, curtailing the democratic process, and poisoning our communities again and again.” ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is in coalition with frontline communities and 650 environmental justice groups like Greenpeace to kill Joe Manchin’s side deal for more dirty oil favors. So far, 77 US House Reps have signed onto a letter led by US Rep. Raul Grijalva - but we need more of our representatives in Congress to stand in opposition. CALL YOUR HOUSE REP
- Don’t fast-track new gas or oil projects
- Don’t fast-track carbon pipelines
- Don’t cut safeguards for impacted communities
- Separate the deal from the must-pass bill to fund the government
- Sign on to US Rep. Grijalva’s letter
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution has a blueprint for the Midterms, and we’ve launched our Swing State Fund to power our GOTV machine and mobilize millions of voters in November. This election is an opportunity to sink or swim — descend into a right-wing extremist nightmare — OR — fight like hell to build on our work and progress. We have a plan to defeat the far right and flip senate seats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by electing progressives like John Fetterman and Mandela Barnes. Let’s grow our power to cancel-out Manchin and Sinema. With a goal of $300,000 for our Swing State Fund — $200K in PA and $100K in WI — we can reach half a million voters and FLIP TWO SENATE SEATS. Reaching these funding goals — or not — will determine if we get John Fetterman or Dr. Oz and if Mandela Barnes replaces Ron Johnson in WI — if we cancel out Manchin and Sinema or if we face a new MAGA majority. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and there’s a real danger that many progressive, working-class voters will not be motivated to turn out. DONATE TO OUR SWING STATE FUND ★ ★ ★ FIGHTING FOR FETTERMAN Our Revolution is putting our massive GOTV machine to work to make sure John Fetterman wins BIG in Pennsylvania! We need John in the Senate and we need YOU to make calls with our Phonebank Force! We have a chance to flip a senate seat, elect a progressive, and defeat that elitist hack Dr. Oz — does it get any better than that? CALL FOR FETTERMAN ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution-backed Megan Green has won and is on to the general for President of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen! Megan won because voters recognized her willingness to stand up against special interests. “Anyone willing to go against the status quo has got my vote,” a voter for Green was quoted in STL Today. “If I win, I’ll be the link we need in St. Louis - progressives will hold the power seats to move forward our agenda,” Megan told us on our recent National Call. Megan was a Bernie delegate in 2016 and we were proud to help elect her to the board in St. Louis, where she’s fought for a higher minimum wage, reproductive freedom, domestic violence protections, legal marijuana, and more. Make calls for Megan this weekend! ★ ★ ★ Progressive Miguel Sanchez won his race and now heads to a seat on Providence City Council in Ward 6. Miguel is a community advocate who has organized for Medicare for All and marginalized groups — and we’re excited to have him as an ally in office! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution members are packing Congress with new progressive allies like Greg Casar (TX-35), Summer Lee (PA-12), Becca Balint (VT), and others. Now, we have to get them across the finish line in November! Can you chip in a donation to help mobilize millions of voters to defeat the far right and elect more progressives - there’s no time to waste. ★ ★ ★ So far this election season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made over 750,000 calls - and counting! We want to hit at least 1 MILLION dials through November. Our midterm fight is in full effect - and we need our folks to step up across the country to help us defeat the far right, flip senate seats, and elect more allies into power. SIGN UP FOR A CALL SHIFT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WE GOT M4A ON THE BALLOT IN WISCONSIN! Our Revolution and our state and local chapters are fighting for Medicare for All — even getting in on the ballot in rural counties! Our Wisconsin Revolution mobilized community members in rural Dunn County to urge county supervisors to ask voters themselves if they want a universal, nonprofit healthcare system. As reported in Common Dreams, a range of residents including Our Wisconsin Revolution Co-Chair Steve Carlson testified that our current for-profit system is leaving millions of rural Americans without access to care or in deep debt. The Dunn County Supervisors - who include Our Wisconsin Revolution staffer John Calabrese (D-14) and Our Wisconsin Revolution volunteer Monica Berrier (D-13) - agreed unanimously to include the question on the November 8 ballot. Now, Our Wisconsin Revolution Executive Director Andre Walton says they’re gearing up for the “Say Yes” campaign in Dunn County and working with activists in Washburn, Douglas, and Portage counties to place similar referenda on ballots in the spring. ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution NYPAN joined the 2022 Labor Day Parade in NYC last week — collecting more than 130 signatures in support of the NY Health Act! “We expressed our solidarity with our labor family and shared how taking health insurance off the negotiating table will help unions fight for higher wages, and better conditions,” said Our Revolution Organizing Coordinator Anna-Marta Visky. ★ ★ ★ After years of grinding negotiations with the railroad monopoly bosses in pursuit of paid sick leave and less grueling scheduling, more than 100,000 union rail workers will decide whether to accept or reject a deal that came down on Thursday. Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen told Bloomberg he believes the White House’s attention to the dispute and the railroad companies’ difficulty retaining employees mean workers will still have leverage even if the deal is approved. Larry, who’s the former president of the Communications Workers of America, said they’re likely to say, “we made some progress on our issues about our working life, and we’re getting a lot of money in exchange for the hardships of this job. And we want to show that we work with this government.” ★ ★ ★ NEW NINA TURNER SHOW! Our very own Nina Turner will be hosting a brand new show — and we will definitely be tuning in! A hell-raising humanitarian, Nina is on a quest to unite our movement and coalition to take on the corrupt forces that seek to keep the power from the people. CHECK OUT NINA’S NEW SHOW! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ In The Nation this week, progressive DNC member and Our Revolution ally James Zogby laid out the fight ahead as we work to Ban Dark Money from Democratic Primaries. Last week, Judith Whitmer, chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, presented our resolution on behalf of our coalition of 33 DNC members — but the committee blocked it. “Our elections are not for sale. Every voice in our party deserves an equal say, and every vision deserves a free and fair chance. Our democracy is only as strong as the public’s faith in it. It’s up to our party to lead by example,” Judith said. Banning dark money is vital to the future of our democracy, we will not be defeated. “We will return at the DNC winter meeting with stronger support—more endorsements from DNC members, members of Congress, and Democrats nationwide,” Zogby writes. “Because we now know how the game is being played, we will work to ensure a debate and a vote on this critical issue.” “The stakes are too high for Democrats—and democracy—to let our party’s primaries turn into auctions won by the highest bidder,” he said. Become a recurring donor to Our Revolution today and build our strength to take on the DNC. We see how dark money targets progressive candidates, and it must be stopped. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Joe Manchin plans to hold the government funding hostage for a deal to fast-track fossil fuel projects and cut frontline community safeguards - and Our Revolution is leading the call for a progressive mutiny in Congress. A coalition of 72 US House Reps have signed onto a letter led by US Rep. Raul Grijalva - but we need more of our representatives in Congress to stand in opposition. CALL YOUR REP NOW ★ ★ ★ We need YOU to make calls for John Fetterman! We have a chance to flip a senate seat, elect a progressive, and defeat that elitist hack Dr. Oz - does it get any better than that? CALL FOR FETTERMAN ★ ★ ★ Megan Green - a 2016 Bernie delegate we helped elect to the St. Louis Board of Alderman last cycle - won her race and is on to the general election! This is a key seat for a progressive and we can win. CALL FOR MEGAN IN ST. LOUIS ★ ★ ★ This primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than 750,000 calls to voters across the country. Sign up to activate voters for progressive candidates across the country. SIGN UP FOR A CALL SHIFT ★ ★ ★ Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5 a month and get your official Membership Card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack — $15, get the stickers and a poster — $27, get both PLUS a tote bag — and at the $50 level, get it ALL and a T-shirt! BECOME A MOVEMENT BUILDER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
