I am calling on YOUR HELP!

Fellow American, The Hill has announced that we are ONE of SEVEN seats that will determine control of the House.

On one hand – I am glad to see that our race is getting national attention. The article even went as far as to say: “If Logan can pull off a win, it could be an early signal of a coming red wave” – suggesting that the results of this race will affect the whole country.

But on the other hand – Democrats (especially the deep-pocketed ones) will read this and throw thousands, if not MILLIONS of dollars, to keep ‘JV Squad’ member Jahana Hayes afloat and hold onto Pelosi’s SLIM majority.

That is why I am calling on YOUR HELP!

We have a real chance to flip this seat RED and put our nation onto a more promising path, something the Democrats have yet to accomplish. Our country desperately needs this change, and Americans are ready for it. But we must take back the House, and I need your support if we are to accomplish it for the greater good – can I count on your help?


I’m not going to sugarcoat it; we’ve got our work cut out for us until Election Day. Competing against a $1.6 MILLION war chest only makes victory that much harder, ON TOP of the Democrat elites and Super PACs giving her hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But I promise you; I will not give up the fight. If you are as serious as I am to take back the House and reinstate a Republican majority, I am asking you to please invest in my campaign today.

INVEST $10 ››

INVEST $25 ››

INVEST $50 ››


There is too much on the line and not enough time to wait until tomorrow – I need your help today.

Thank you,
Logan Logan
George S. Logan


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