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Blue yellow and orange graphic with photo of Isabella Ramirez, queer, Latinx poet with brown and purple hair, piercings, and purple eye make up

We’ve packed the house this Wednesday for our Justice Maker Awards: A Celebration of #JoyfulJustice! And Poet Isabella Ramirez will be joining us to give a spellbinding performance! Help us make our fundraising goal of $700,000 by making a donation.


We’re so grateful to those of you who are supporting us by attending this event. We appreciate you making time for joy in the struggle for justice. For those of you who cannot make it, please consider offering your support by donating today. This awards event is about celebrating the crucial, and often unrecognized work to defend access to public benefits, workers' rights, and disability justice. In partnership with many community organizations and legal organizations, NCLEJ works every day to ensure people across the country can access lifelines: Medicaid and food stamps, equal pay, unemployment insurance, access to home health aids, and much more. 

We can’t wait to celebrate organizers and leaders who advocate for equity and dignity for workers every day: New York University School of Law Professor Helen Hershkoff, National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS), Chinese Staff and Worker Association (CSWA), and Flushing Workers Center (FWC). 

And to celebrate all the advances we’ve won together and raise a glass for #JoyfulJustice! 


All my best,
Director of Philanthropy

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
Copyright © 2022 National Center for Law and Economic Justice, All rights reserved.

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