John James likes to claim that we need better experience and leadership to help rebuild our economy. And yet, John James has absolutely zero experience serving constituents in government. Is a good leader one who doesn’t want to live amongst the people he represents? Is a good leader someone who jumps from race to race desperately searching for an opportunity to advance his political career?

We believe Carl is the best fit for Michigan’s 10th district, and we also believe that a John James win would be directly detrimental to our country’s progress. Chip in $15 or more if you agree and help us defeat John James.

We can’t afford further divisiveness. We can’t afford to elect more extreme Republicans that will fall into lockstep behind President Trump, a man currently under investigation by the FBI for potentially violating the Espionage Act.

This race is of the utmost importance. Rush in a donation now and help Carl defeat John James.

Thanks so much,

Marlinga for Congress HQ



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Marlinga for Congress
155 S. Main #46232
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046

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Carl Marlinga,