Hi friend,

I hope all is well.

I'm just writing to say that we have changed the date of the National Activist Gathering from 1 October to 29 October. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by this change of date. 

This will be our first in-person national gathering of activists since the pandemic, with a full day of workshops and talks in the gorgeous setting of the People's History Museum in Manchester. 
Book my place!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

In Solidarity,

Hello friend,

On 1 October 29 October we’re holding our first in-person National Gathering of activists since the pandemic at the People’s History Museum in Manchester. And you’re invited!

Join us for a full day of workshops, talks, and the chance to meet with others campaigning for an end to unjust debt.

Sign me up!

Whether you’re a seasoned campaigner or have never taken action before, attending the National Gathering will help you skill up, learn more about debt, and meet new people to take action with.

You’ll also get to hear from a whole host of inspiring speakers, all in the beautiful setting of the People’s History Museum in Manchester.

Right now is a crucial time to be taking action on debt. 54 countries are in debt crisis, stopping them from having the funds they need to tackle the climate crisis. Here in the UK, personal debt levels are soaring in the energy crisis. But I know that by coming together we can win campaigns to cancel unjust debt.

The event is free to attend (although you’re welcome to donate if you can). Some funds are also available if you are unable to cover the cost of travel to Manchester.

Book my place

Hope you can make it! I can’t wait to plan some exciting actions with you all.  

In solidarity, 


P.S. To guarantee your place, sign up here.

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