Thanks to the Biden Administration's and EU's Appeasement, Iran's Mullahs Go Big on Cyberattacks
by Majid Rafizadeh • September 17, 2022 at 5:00 am
The small country of Albania appeared to have more courage and stronger leadership than the Biden administration: it recently sent a strong message to the Iranian regime after Iran's cyberattacks against Albania in July. Albania severed diplomatic relations with Tehran and ordered Iranian diplomats and embassy staff to leave within 24 hours.
"This extreme response... is fully proportionate to the gravity and risk of the cyberattack that threatened to paralyze public services, erase digital systems and hack into state records, steal government intranet electronic communication and stir chaos and insecurity in the country". — Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Reuters, September 7, 2022.
"The IRGC clearly makes the country one of the best and most advanced nations when it comes to cyberwarfare. In a case of escalation between Iran and the West, Iran will likely aim to launch a cyberattack against critical infrastructures in the US and its allies, (targeting) energy infrastructure, financial institutions and transportation systems." — Institute for National Security Studies.
Cyber warfare could have consequences at least as severe as military actions: cyberattacks can take control of or disrupt an entire nation's infrastructure -- public services, hospitals, transportation, internet, municipal or governmental institutions, the energy sector, steal people's private information, take control of another country's missiles, unmanned vehicles (drones), and even its military's intelligence, command, control and communications.
That is just what the West needs: the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism and cyberattacker extraordinaire, soon to have an unlimited quantity of nuclear weapons, precision ballistic missiles to deliver them, and up to a trillion dollars – and in a deal negotiated by -- of all countries -- Russia! And the US government seriously thinks that this mix will prevent war? Let us instead follow the example of spunky Albania, punish bad behavior rather than reward it, and make sure that Biden's atrocious new "Iran deal," reportedly "off the table at least for the time being," is off the table forever.

Not only is the Biden administration is turning a blind eye to the Iranian regime's terror activities and plots abroad, it has also been completely silent about the mullahs' escalating cyberattacks.
The small country of Albania appeared to have more courage and stronger leadership than the Biden administration: it recently sent a strong message to the Iranian regime after Iran's cyberattacks against Albania in July. Albania severed diplomatic relations with Tehran and ordered Iranian diplomats and embassy staff to leave within 24 hours. Albania's Prime Minister Edi Rama stated in a video:
"The in-depth investigation provided us with indisputable evidence that the cyberattack against our country was orchestrated and sponsored by the Islamic Republic of Iran through the engagement of four groups that enacted the aggression...