Dear John, 

We are so pleased to share our latest Impact Report, which provides an in-depth overview of how we’ve made a difference in the lives of thousands of people – both currently and formerly incarcerated. 

The work we do at ARC includes rehabilitative programming, mentoring, housing, mental health support, and workforce development programs for returning citizens, as well as rides home from prison once people are released. We play a key role in advancing system changes that reduce the negative impact of the carceral system while enhancing public safety throughout the state, and are proud to say that policies we have aided in implementing have helped over 50,000 people. Central to our policy success are our members who use storytelling of their lived experience to change hearts and minds, and we recently expanded our policy work to include national legislation. 

I hope you’ll be inspired by what you read in our report and walk away with the notion that everyone – no matter what choices they have made – deserves the chance to thrive. One in three Black men can expect to be incarcerated in their lifetime, so we strive to not only change this statistic, but also ensure that people who do end up incarcerated have the opportunity for redemption when released.  

I encourage you to empower those who society casts aside... to give them a real opportunity, and to hear their stories like those you’ll find in our report. 

Thank you for your support of our work and your commitment to a better future for all people. All of the accomplishments in this report are made possible by allies like you. If you feel moved by our mission, I encourage you to make a gift to support our work and to share this with your friends and family.

Click here to view our Impact Report:


Sam Lewis
Executive Director
Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)


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Anti-Recidivism Coalition 
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