John, I'm just checking you received my recent email? If you're able to donate to help animals this Christmas, there's still time. Any gift you can give today, no matter the size, will help all animals.
Thank you so much, as always, for your generosity :)
For the animals,
— Lyn.
From: Lyn White - Animals Australia
Date: Wednesday, 11th December 2019
To: John
Subject:RE: Christmas

John, see how your gift can change lives.

John, imagine if this Christmas you could help spare a gentle sheep the terror of a live export voyage. Or if you could open a cage that's imprisoned a curious hen her entire life.
What if I told you that you could help ensure that we see a day when not a single bull will tremble on a slaughterhouse floor?
By donating to help animals this Christmas, you can.
Whether helping the animal victims of the live export trade, those hidden from sight behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses or trapped within factory farms; your donation to Animals Australia will mean that we can continue to be where animals need us most.
Through the work of our international Investigations Unit, our media exposés, and our public awareness campaigns in Australia and globally, you will be giving animals the representation they so desperately lack.
For the caged hen who searches in vain for anything new today, or the mother pig who will fall asleep tonight on the same concrete floor she woke up on, please help by extending your generosity this Christmas, to those who need it most.
Please give, to help them.
Thank you as always John, for being a driving force for peace, compassion and for animals.
In gratitude,

Lyn White AM
Director of Strategy |

P.S. Every donation you give, no matter what the size, helps animals. It gives them powerful representation through our public awareness campaigns and investigations, and gives them a voice when they would otherwise have none.
Please give generously to ensure we can be where animals need us most.

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