Founding Artist: Yinka Shonibare, Globe Title: The World Reimagined

There's a racial awakening happening all over the world. This awakening includes growing racial consciousness and curiosity, and it's occurring alongside an ever-growing need — and entrenched fears — to be honest about racial history. Art and artists have innovative ways of keeping this burgeoning racial consciousness alive, fanning the flames of curiosity, and ultimately transforming the way we understand ourselves and the world around us.

In the lastest episode of Radical Imagination, we speak to Ashley Shaw Scott Adjaye, Artistic Director of The World Reimagined — a national public art project in the United Kingdom, which explores the history and legacy of the trans-Atlantic trade of enslaved Africans; and presents a forward-looking approach to reframing history as an essential element toward creating an equitable future. 


Utilizing a 5 foot globe sculpture as canvas, over 100 artists have brought to life various themes that center Black diasporan experiences throughout the global North and South. 

Take a moment to listen to The World Reimagined. It beautifully illustrates that art, when rooted in our rich histories, can inform our future, help heal our historical wounds, and create new stories that speak to our collective need to be seen, participate and prosper.


Angela and the Radical Imagination team

Unfinished Live

Also if you haven't registered for Unfinished Live — an immersive event exploring the collision of tech, art, ideas, and impact — please do. (In-person or online.)

As a valued member of the Radical Imagination community, Unfinished Live is offering the first 50 people to register FREE admission to the in-person festival. For tickets, visit and enter code RADICALIMAGINATION, or click here (select a Festival ticket and the fee will be removed at check-out). 

Join me, the Radical Imagination team, and Unfinished Live’s community of leading experts and engaged citizens to help shape a more equitable digital future.

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