California is back, friend.

The Governor and Legislature passed a historic climate budget, and the Governor has signed sweeping climate legislation into law, marking the end to an unmatched year of climate action in California.

We now have a state budget with $54 billion in investments in clean transportation, building electrification, clean energy, and climate resilience. Policies that end neighborhood oil drilling, make solar more accessible and affordable, and cement the state’s commitment to reach carbon neutrality are now law.

So many organizations and allies played a part in this landmark climate achievement. Today, I am writing to ask if you will thank our climate champions in the State Legislature. We have a pre-written email ready to go to all of the legislators whose leadership and vision made this unprecedented year happen >>

Friend, we have so many transformative victories, so many causes for celebration, so many more bills and policies that will meaningfully address the climate crisis and protect our future that are now law.

The $54 billion climate budget — by far the most California has EVER committed to investing in climate! — will go a long way toward making the necessary climate investments and policy changes in time before the 2030 deadline scientific experts have given us.

AB 2316 establishes a cost-effective community renewable energy program for renters and low-income households. SB 1314 bans the use of captured carbon for Big Oil’s greenwashed practice of “enhanced oil recovery.” AB 1757 sets targets for removing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

Senator Lena Gonzalez, Senator Monique Limón, and Assemblymember Isaac Bryan led the charge to pass SB 1137, which prohibits oil and gas drilling within 3,200 feet of homes, daycares, schools, hospitals, and other sensitive sites.

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia and Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi pushed AB 1279 over the finish line, committing California to achieve carbon neutrality ASAP but no later than 2045.

Major climate bills come with major corporate and Big Oil opposition, and usually don’t succeed without leaders prioritizing them. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate Pro Tem Toni Atkins were committed to climate action and made sure these major climate bills passed.

All of our climate champions in the Legislature — there are far too many to mention all of them by name in this email — deserve appreciation for their tiring work in this climate fight. These policies and legislation will absolutely make radical change, advance justice, and make people’s lives better.

Please, send an email thanking our legislative climate champions for everything they did to make climate history this year >>

Thanks for being with us.

Melissa Romero
Senior Legislative Manager
California Environmental Voters
(formerly California League of Conservation Voters)


California Environmental Voters (formerly CLCV)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100 | Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 | [email protected]

EnviroVoters is hiring! Join us to work on critical climate legislation work.

California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters), formerly California League of Conservation Voters, exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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