Exciting Projects Coming to Moses Lake

Moses Lake continues to be the hotbed for companies to set up shop due to our abundant hydropower. The newest company to announce that they are moving to Moses Lake is Sila, a manufacturing company that is creating the next generation of battery materials. 

I had the opportunity to sit down this week with them in D.C. to talk about the development of their new 600,000-square-foot facility in Moses Lake. There, they will manufacture lithium-ion anode battery materials that are used for cars and cell phones. Once completed, this new facility will bring hundreds of new jobs to Moses Lake.

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The Senate Must Pass the Farm Workforce Modernization Act NOW

Grocery bills are rising at the fastest pace we have seen in more than 40 years, due to rising input costs from labor to gas. Due to a broken immigration system and an inadequate workforce, our farmers and ranchers are in desperate need of help. By updating and fixing the current H-2A guestworker program, we can ensure a stable and legal workforce for years to come.

That is why I introduced the Farm Workforce Modernization Act to address these labor shortages and ensure we have a reliable workforce for all of agriculture. It is far past time that Congress passes common sense workforce solutions. I will continue to urge the Senate to take action on this crucial issue.

I will continue to champion this issue and support our farmers and ranchers for years to come

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Supporting Our Tribal Law Enforcement

On Wednesday, I spoke at the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States legislative hearing on my legislation, the Parity for Tribal Law Enforcement Act

Crime knows no boundaries—and our tribal law enforcement need more resources, help, and more qualified officers. My legislation will improve hiring and increase retention for tribal law enforcement officers to allow them to better protect their native communities, increase overall law enforcement presence in rural communities, and help alleviate the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIW).

I will continue to fight for our native communities and help equip them with the necessary tools in order to keep their communities safe. 

Listen to My Full Remarks Here

Proud Supporter of Our Small Businesses

This week, I was honored to receive the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award. With over 31 million small businesses nationwide, they enable a thriving and prosperous economy.

These past two years have been a difficult time for many of our small businesses, and now inflation and supply chain issues are threatening many small businesses. I am committed to alleviating the devastating impacts that our small businesses have been enduring and will continue to advocate for and support them.

I Stand for the Second Amendment

I am proud to have received an A+ rating for defending the Second Amendment by the NSSF—the Firearm Industry Trade Association. I will always stand up for our constitutional rights—that includes our right to keep and bear arms. 

Student Loan Forgiveness Hurts Everyday Americans

President Biden's student-loan debt forgiveness plan is one of the worst decisions I've seen this president make. This debt "forgiveness" would have Robin Hood rolling in his grave-it takes from the poor to give to the rich while making things worse for American taxpayers across the country.

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Sockeye returns near Wenatchee shatter 30-year records

WENATCHEE - Last year was the second-best ocean condition trend year since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration began tracking ocean health in 1996. The condition, in part, led to some record-breaking salmon returns in the Wenatchee Valley, according to Alene Underwood, Chelan County PUD fish and wildlife manager, and Catherine Willard, PUD senior fisheries biologist.

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Tri-Cities and Hanford 'visionary' dies. He donated $100,000s to local causes

A champion for the Tri-Cities economy and philanthropist who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve the community and advance energy and education causes died Friday. Bob Ferguson, 89, had been living in the Chicago area near one of his daughters after having a serious stroke a year ago.

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It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Congress. To stay up to date on how I am working to represent Central Washington, I encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also find regular updates on my website.

Dan Newhouse
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