Back in Washington

This week I was back in Washington after our August District Work Period. It was great to see so many of my constituents during August, and I am excited to be back in Washington now to pass legislation to fund our government.
Celebrating the Inflation Reduction Act
On Tuesday, I went to the White House to celebrate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. This historic legislation will reduce healthcare costs, protect our communities from the present threat of climate change and to lower costs across the board for American workers and families.
Curious about how the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce energy costs for your household? Learn more about how you can save here.
Protecting Women's Healthcare
Earlier this week Senator Lindsey Graham introduced his bill that would create a national ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Republicans have been working for years to eliminate a woman’s right to make decisions about her own healthcare. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, Republicans can now move ahead with that plan. Senator Graham’s bill introduction shows us exactly what Republicans are thinking – that women’s rights are up for grabs.
This bill is out of step with what the American people want and believe. The majority of American adults support access to abortion. I talked with Fox32 about why Senator Graham’s bill is a threat to all women.
Abortion in Illinois is still legal, and I am working to ensure it remains accessible for both women in Illinois and women who will now need to travel to Illinois to have a safe abortion.
This week I co-led introduction of the PRO LIFE Act, a package of legislation that supports investments in maternal health, child care, and paid family leave.
The reality of the Dobbs decision is that more women are going to be forced to have children. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that our child care and paid family leave policies are way behind where they need to be to support families and working mothers.
The Providing Real Opportunities and Lifelong Investments For Everyone (PRO-LIFE) Act actually invests in supporting pregnant women and babies. The package includes my legislation to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage to 12 full months in every single state, and provides for investments in child care, adoption support services, paid family leave, maternal health and children’s health care.
Improving Medicare
In the House, I voted to pass the Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act. This bill would make it easier for seniors to get care, ensure that routine treatments and procedures aren’t delayed, and improve health outcomes. These reforms would make a huge difference for seniors, their families, and their providers, who are confused and frustrated by the paperwork and time they must put into navigating this process.
Many Medicare Advantage plans require health care providers to obtain prior authorization for some medical services before they can provide care to their patients. When misused, prior authorization results in administrative burdens for providers, taking precious time away from patient care, and delays in needed medical intervention.
I am proud to have cosponsored this bill to make it easier for seniors to access healthcare.
Updates from the District

Using Data to Prevent Gun Violence
On Monday, I hosted a Gun Violence Prevention event where expert panelists shared an analysis of how we can use data that we already have to prevent gun violence. Examining data about gun violence is an important method to develop innovative, evidence-based solutions that help keep our communities safe.
Upcoming Hiring Event
Next month, I will be hosting a hiring event in the South Suburbs to help connect jobseekers and employers looking for help. These events are always a great way to learn about employment opportunities in your community – stay tuned for more details!
Upcoming Passport Event
In October I will also be hosting a Passport Fair. This event will provide all the information you need about applying for a new passport or renewing your current passport ahead of the busy holiday travel season. More information about this event will be available soon. In the meantime, double check that expiration date on your passport!