Sign Now: Hold Lindsey Graham accountable for trying to help Trump overturn the 2020 election – then hide the evidence >>
John, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is desperately covering for Donald Trump – by burying the truth about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Now, if Graham keeps it up, he could be placing himself in serious legal jeopardy.
Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, made headlines in 2020 by telling reporters that Graham pressured him to throw out thousands of legitimate votes from Democratic-leaning counties. These conversations left Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, “stunned.” [1]
Now, a Georgia District Attorney is demanding that Graham testify about this potentially illegal attempt to sabotage our elections. But Graham is doing all he can to evade legal accountability – and abusing his power to pressure that DA into throwing the subpoena out. [2]
Sign the Petition: Condemn Graham’s blatant ploy to keep us in the dark – and demand that he is held accountable >>
Senator Graham has repeatedly proven that his loyalty to Trump will always come before the good of our democracy.
But now, with Graham potentially implicated in Trump’s illegal plot to overthrow our elections, he is desperately scrambling for a loophole that will get him out of having to testify under oath about the shocking allegation that he asked election officials to throw out Georgians’ votes.
Graham’s actions beg the question: if Trump and Graham did nothing wrong, what is he trying to hide?
John, we deserve to find out. This investigation – which is a parallel effort to the January 6th House Select Committee – needs to see any and all relevant information, including Graham’s phone calls with Raffensperger – so they can uncover the full truth.
If you agree that Lindsey Graham should be fully held accountable for his role in Trump’s attacks against our democracy, add your name now.
I hope we can count on you to speak out in defense of the truth.
Thanks for all you do,
Sarah Trindell, Senior Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause