December 19, 2019 |
weekly look at the latest news, analysis, and RJC activities around
the country. |
List of
Trump’s Accomplishments
Most of the media have given all their attention to the shiny
object in the room, impeachment, to the near-exclusion of all other
news. However, Paul Bedard and Marc
Thiessen have stepped up to remind us of the substantial
accomplishments that President Donald Trump racked up
in the last few weeks.
Last Friday, Bedard listed some
of President Trump’s recent accomplishments:
- An agreement on a new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal.
- A new budget including more than $1.3 billion for a border wall
and blocks a government shutdown.
- House approval of the US Space Force, a brand-new branch of the
- Government family leave that will be a model for a proposal for
the public.
- Tentative agreement on trade with China.
- Approval of Trump's 50th federal appeals judge.
- Confirmation of a new Food and Drug Administration chief.
- The signing of a pro-Israel anti-Semitism executive
Thiessen added
to the list in an article this week:
Consider the string of successes Trump has racked up in recent
days. First came news that the US economy added 266,000 jobs in
November, far exceeding economic forecasts. Not only that, but the
Bureau of Labor Statistics also revised the September and October jobs
reports upward, adding 41,000 more job to the Trump economic record.
And a new Quinnipiac poll found that 57 percent of Americans said they
are better off financially since Trump took office.
…Trump also reached agreement with Democrats on a spending
bill averting a government shutdown. He secured Democratic support on
a tax bill that would repeal three Obamacare taxes, including the
“Cadillac tax” on high-cost employer-sponsored health insurance — a
major win for union workers. And the House approved a $738 billion
defense spending bill that would authorize the creation of his Space
Force and his parental leave policy for federal workers, while not
including restrictions Democrats had threatened on use of defense
dollars to build a border wall.
…Bottom line: The economy is humming, Trump’s accomplishments
are accumulating and impeachment is backfiring — and that makes these
the best weeks of Trump’s presidency so far.
Trump catalogued his administration’s accomplishments in his letter to
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemning the impeachment “crusade”
against him. Read it here:
7 million new jobs; the lowest-ever unemployment for African
Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans; a rebuilt
military; a completely reformed VA with Choice and Accountability for
our great veterans; more than 170 new federal judges and two Supreme
Court Justices; historic tax and regulation cuts; the elimination of
the individual mandate; the first decline in prescription drug prices
in half a century; the first new branch of the United States Military
since 1947, the Space Force; strong protection of the Second
Amendment; criminal justice reform; a defeated ISIS caliphate and the
killing of the world’s number one terrorist leader, al-Baghdadi; the
replacement of the disastrous NAFTA trade deal with the wonderful
USMCA (Mexico and Canada); a breakthrough Phase One trade deal with
China; massive new trade deals with Japan and South Korea; withdrawal
from the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal; cancellation of the unfair and
costly Paris Climate Accord; becoming the world’s top energy producer;
recognition of Israel’s capital, opening the American Embassy in
Jerusalem, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan
Heights; a colossal reduction in illegal border crossings, the ending
of Catch-and-Release, and the building of the Southern Border Wall—and
that is just the beginning, there is so much more.
biographer Doug Wead, quoted in Paul Bedard’s piece
above, predicts that voters in 2020 will keep their focus on the
President’s winning agenda rather than the Democrats’ losing
impeachment sham:
“Perhaps, for now, what he accomplished this week will be
overshadowed by the impeachment, but by next summer, the impeachment
may be seen as mean-spirited and partisan, and the string of victories
will add to his incredible list of victories going into reelection
season,” Wead said.
Correcting the NY Times et al on
The executive
order that President Donald Trump signed during
the White House Hanukkah party last week continues to be misreported
by the New York Times and other outlets, who have described it as
redefining Jews as a “nationality.” David Bernstein,
a law professor and the executive director of the Liberty & Law
Center at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University,
has been tracking the New York Times' "hit pieces" on the
executive order. You can see his commentary here,
and here.
As we noted last week, the actual executive order did not
redefine Judaism or Jews. It reiterated guidance for the executive
branch issued in 2010 and expanded it to address anti-Semitism
disguised as “anti-Zionism,” using the International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition
of anti-Semitism.
Daniel Hemel, an assistant professor at the
University of Chicago Law School and a visiting professor at Harvard
Law School, takes issue with the President’s use of the IHRA
definition of anti-Semitism, but he explains that the order’s
extension of Title VI protections to Jews on college campuses is on
firm legal grounding. Hemel
Mr. Trump’s interpretation of Title VI as applying to
anti-Semitism is neither new nor troubling. The characterization of
anti-Semitism as a form of racial or national-origin discrimination
has a secure place in American law.
…Fast-forward to 1982, when Shaare Tefila, a synagogue in
Silver Spring, Md., was spray-painted with swastikas, Ku Klux Klan
symbols and other anti-Semitic messages. The synagogue and several
members responded by suing those who had vandalized their house of
worship. The plaintiffs cited the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which
applies to racial discrimination. They argued that even though Jews
are not a racially distinct group, the vandals viewed Jews as a
distinct race and were motivated by racial animus. The case ultimately
reached the Supreme Court, which voted unanimously in the synagogue’s
favor… The Shaare Tefila case teaches that placing a group within a
racial category for purposes of civil rights protection does not
require us to endorse the idea that the group is racially distinct…
…Just as African-Americans qualify for protection from racial
discrimination even though the very idea of race is based on
pseudoscience, anti-Semitism can be racism for legal purposes even
though Jewishness cannot be reduced to racial terms… The nuances of
Jewish identity and experience do not… shield Jews from attackers who
see Jews as a nation apart. Jews can suffer national-origin
discrimination regardless of whether Jewishness is a nationality.
The Education Department under President George W.
Bush recognized that anti-Semitism could constitute racial or
national-origin discrimination within Title VI’s ambit. The Justice
Department under President Barack Obama reaffirmed
that view. President Trump’s executive order is consistent with those
interpretations, though he is the first to articulate this position as
an administration-wide policy.
Human rights lawyer Alyza Lewin offers this
argument for the President’s use of the IHRA
…It is not unlawful in the United States to make racist or
anti-Jewish comments. In America, the First Amendment protects your
right to express yourself as a bigot. Nothing in the Executive Order
changes that fact. But the First Amendment does not insulate and
prevent those who make racist or anti-Semitic comments from being
labeled as racists and anti-Semites. By incorporating the IHRA
definition, the Executive Order delineates what constitutes
anti-Semitism so that it can be recognized, labeled and condemned.
… There are Jews in Israel and around the globe who support
the right of a Jewish nation-state, but who do not support some or all
of the policies of the current government. Criticizing those policies
is not anti-Semitic. What is anti-Semitic, according to the IHRA
definition, is claiming that there is no right to a Jewish state
within any borders.
…Trump’s Executive Order does not bar students or professors
from expressing these perspectives, and it certainly does not prevent
students or professors from engaging in constructive, challenging
dialogue regarding the policies of the current government of Israel.
However, the Executive Order puts universities on notice that
they must treat this type of anti-Semitism the same way they treat
racism or other forms of discrimination. Universities must call out
and condemn as anti-Semitic the persistent and pervasive demonization
of Zionists, just as they would call out and condemn persistent and
pervasive anti-black, anti-Hispanic or anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Israel’s Valuable Contributions to US
John Hannah, writing at Foreign
Policy, makes a very strong case for America’s military
assistance to Israel and says Democratic
presidential candidates who want to cut that aid are dead
The fact is that Israel’s recent emergence as one of the
world’s most powerful industrial democracies has never been more
important to the United States. And the value to US interests of
Israel’s world-class military, intelligence prowess, and cutting-edge
science and technology sector is only likely to grow in the future.
… As Washington’s stomach for wielding hard power against the
Middle East’s most dangerous challenges recedes, the new reality is
that Israel has become a major exporter of security and extended
deterrence to the broader region. Since at least 2017, it has been the
only power in the world conducting regular military operations to push
back successfully against Iranian forces and their expansionist
designs. A kind of de facto division of labor has emerged whereby the
United States restricts itself to punishing Iran and its regional
proxies with harsh economic sanctions while Israel does the more
difficult and dangerous work of directly confronting and containing
Iranian power on the ground.
…To jeopardize such a strategic asset on the altar of a
Palestinian conflict that has dragged on chronically for decades, with
no resolution in sight and the issue’s relative geopolitical
significance in steep decline, would be a huge unforced error.
Notably, in the middle of the impeachment mess, the White
House, the House, and the Senate have worked together on funding bills
to prevent a government shutdown, and those bills contain important
provisions that affect Israel.
JNS reports that the US
House of Representatives passed a $1.37 trillion appropriations
bill on Tuesday that includes the annual $3.3 billion in security
assistance to Israel. It also addresses other Jewish and
Israel-related priorities. The bill is expected to pass in the Senate
and be signed by the President.
The Senate
passed the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on
Thursday, which includes U.S.-Israel missile-defense cooperation and
up to $25 million for U.S.-Israel counter-unmanned aerial-systems
cooperation. That bill, passed by the House last week, now goes to the
President for his signature.
Poll: 89% of Orthodox Jews Would Support Trump in
According to a poll by Ami Magazine 89% of Orthodox Jews
say they will vote for President Donald Trump in 2020.
Here are the top results:
- A full 89 percent of Orthodox Jews said they approved of the
job Trump is doing as president.
- An even larger majority (91 percent) said they did not think
the president should be impeached.
- An even larger majority (92.5 percent) said they trust Donald
Trump and the Republicans more than Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats
(1.5 percent) when it comes to fighting
- When asked "Which of the following presidents do you feel
accomplished the most for the security of Israel?" the vast majority
(82.5 percent) chose Donald Trump.
Media's Tyler O’Neil spoke to Ami Magazine’s
Jake Turx about
the poll:
Yet these Orthodox Jews who love the president are not all
Republicans. Only 39.5 percent of them identified themselves with the
GOP, while a full quarter (26 percent) identified themselves as
Democrats. The others were Independent (16.5 percent) or not
registered (18 percent).
…"Why do Orthodox Jews support Trump?" Turx asked. "Ask 100
people and you will receive answers as diverse as Orthodox Jews
themselves. You might hear about his recognition of Jerusalem,
record-high economic numbers, fighting against religious persecution
around the world, the eradication of ISIS, decertification of the Iran
deal, the release of Mr. Rubashkin, prison reform, standing up to the
United Nations, border security, appointment of conservative judges
and issuance of executive orders that promote religious liberty—among
other things."
"The fact that he expelled the last living Nazi from America
and was the first president to publicly honor Holocaust survivors at a
formal White House event doesn’t seem to have hurt his popularity
either," Turx added.

March 13-15 in Las Vegas: RJC National Leaders
are invited for a terrific weekend of politics, policy, and poker at
the fabulous Venetian/Palazzo Resort and Hotel. Attendees will have
the opportunity to hear from – and be heard by – some of the country’s
foremost politicians, policy makers, and leaders, including featured
speaker Ambassador Nikki Haley. It’s time to reserve
your spot! Visit RJCVegasMeeting.org
for details and reservations. (This event is open to RJC Leaders;
Leadership dues begin at the $1,000 donor
• The
Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy
efforts in support of President Donald
Trump’s reelection in various battleground
states. CLICK
HERE for details and application
has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we
need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill!
HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for
our great candidates!
don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah! Our extremely popular
red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping
and handling. Supplies are limited.
In solidarity with Nessah
Israel synagogue
This week, RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks
and RJC Deputy Executive Director Alex Siegel visited
the Nessah Israel synagogue in Beverly Hills, California, which was
vandalized last Shabbat. They met with synagogue leaders and expressed
the RJC’s support and solidarity with the community at this difficult
Last May, the RJC held an event at the Nessah Israel synagogue
featuring former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. More
than 1,000 people came out to hear Speaker Gingrich’s analysis of the
2020 presidential election.
As the Times of Israel reported,
prayer books were torn, scrolls were crumpled, furniture was
overturned and relics were smashed inside the synagogue, which serves
the area’s large Persian community. A 24-year-old Pennsylvania man has
been arrested in Hawaii in connection with the
New report exposes how BDS movement uses veil of
social justice to spread Jew-hatred
StopAntiSemitism.org has released a new report: “The
New Anti-Semites: The Radicalization Mechanism of the BDS Movement and
the Delegimitization Campaign Against Israel.” The report shows
that the delegitimization campaign against Israel is promoting
Jew-hatred and uses classic anti-Semitic tropes, language and imagery,
according to Liora Rez, StopAntiSemitism.org’s
executive director.
In first, resident of rocket-stricken southern Israel
addresses UN Security Council, calls for action against
Adele Raemer — who lives in Kibbutz Nirim,
adjacent to the border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip — was invited
to speak at the Security Council’s monthly meeting on the Middle East
by US Ambassador Kelly Craft. This marked the first
time someone from southern Israel had appeared before the
CANDIDATES Beachwood, OH - January 26,
MEETING Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020
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